
configulations - you have simple configuration options!

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Configulations - You can have a simple configuration class for Ruby apps!

This is a bare bones, simple way to add configuration files to your ruby apps using either json or yml. Then, you can simply call into the configurator like any plain ol' Ruby object using the message passing dot syntax rather than hash/ordinal accessors.

Included is a module called MagicHash that does all the magic mapping for the object. It should be considered pretty dangerous as it augments the expected behavior of Hash. To ensure as much flexibility without damaging Hash directly, configurator simply extends the instance of the property bag so that we get the power of hash without messing up hash for any one that is using it.


by default, Configulations is going to recursively dive into a "config" directory located by the location of the executing ruby process. from there, any files ending in .yml or .json with the respective content-types of YAML or JSON will be loaded. The name of the file is the first key and all properties can be fetched from there.

config = Configulations.new #=> finds config/server.json and config/admins.yml
config.server.host #=> "localhost"
config.admins.include? User.find_by_name("leon") #=> true

Thanks to tonywok for starting the inheritance work... this is now possible:


--application.yml   #=> (host: 'production.local')
-----development.yml #=> (host: 'development.local')
-----test.yml        #=> (host: 'test.local')

if each has a host... then you can call it like so...

ENV["APP_ENV"] ||= "test" #=> current support vars are "RACK_ENV", "RAILS_ENV", "APP_ENV"
MyConfig.application.host.should == "test.local"

Local Configuration

Sometimes configuration based on environment isn't enough. Configulations allows you to have local configuration overrides for those times when you don't necessarily want everyone else's config to be like yours. Just mirror the configuration hierarchy in your_config/local.


It's on you to put it in your .gitignore if you don't want it shared.

For example:

----application.yml    # => (override application wide configs here)
------development.yml  # => (override application configs for development)

Known Issues

  • Right now data is last in - first out. If you have 2 config files with the same name, the last one in wins.


This is all I needed for now but I'd love to work out those issues mentioned above as well as allow for some robust Ruby configuration files that could take advantage of run-time evaluation and flow control for those situations when you'd like to let configuration be a bit more flexible than a yml or json file would allow.

Contributing to configulations

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or it is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
  • This list is from Jeweler. Which is awesome...


Many thanks to anyone who sends patches, emails, love my way to keep this software alive and a joy to maintain.

  • github.com/tonywok
  • github.com/al2o3cr (during pairing day at EdgeCase!)


Copyright (c) 2011 Leon Gersing. See LICENSE.txt for further details.