
Monthly Financial Control System connected to a PostgreSQL Database / Sistema de controle financeiro com cálculo automático de taxas ou juros atrelado a uma base de dados

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rodrigo Branas JS Course Developing a platform that can take values month by month, with taxes and incomes, showing up a graph. Linked to a database.

Dom = document object model

front-end and back-end

user interacts with a rendered document (index.html) that carries the style.css, algo calls main.js for example, and the other many folders as well.

what are the resctrictions of that? im not able to store data. recover data (same?) also other users are not able to access the same data that's a system that works only local

which are the main differences between front-end and back-end?


  • presentation
  • usability
  • visual effects
  • screen transitions
  • interactions


  • business rules (doesnt make any sense doing this in frontend)
  • database
  • single point to center all the business rules

protocol : http?

npm = note pack manager npm init -y => initialize application npm install express

node server.js <-> deliver the data through the server cntrl + c to interrupt the server clear? cd - navigating between the folders

arrays are always split by comma remember that

api = application programming interface this is basically an interface that the user is not an human being, the user is just another machine. the library doenst know how to convert numeric in string? thats because PARSEFLOAT IS IMPORTANT


1 - start point of the application 2 - database connection 3 - api services definition (aplication programming interface) 4 - data interaction with the database 5 - api routes settings and server opening in a specific port (app.get, app.listen)

SRP - Single Responsibility Principle: Pull apart things that change because specific reasons. Connection, adresss, query, port... all in the same file make the archive weak. Because of the constans and the coupling between these responsabilities.

DIP - Dependency Inversion Principle: High level modules shold not depend on low level modules. Server connection is in a lower level than the save/get operations, must not be dependent on each othen. Maybe one of the possibilities choosing this is way is that I can connect to another database.