
This is an attribute based access control authorization system for the Swift Vapor Framework + Fluent.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


This is an attribute based access control authorization system/ role based access control system for the Swift Vapor Framework + Fluent. The usage of attributes is not mandatory, you can also specify policies based on roles only. All policies are kept in-memory, instantiated from the DB on startup, so the evaluation/ policy lookup process is as fast as a swift dictionary lookup. No DB requests necessary. See section "Horizontal scaling" for more info.

Getting Started

Setup dependencies

In your package.swift add the abac-authorization package (+ Fluent and your needed driver package, for example FluentPostgresDriver)

        .package(url: "https://github.com/leonidas-o/abac-authorization.git", from: "x.x.x")
    targets: [    
        .target(name: "App", dependencies: [
            .product(name: "Fluent", package: "fluent"),
            .product(name: "FluentPostgresDriver", package: "fluent-postgres-driver"), // or any other driver
            .product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
            .product(name: "ABACAuthorization", package: "abac-authorization"),



  • Setup fluent models:
    • Your User model conforming to ABACUser
    • Your Role model conforming to ABACRole
    • Your UserData model conforming to ABACUserData
    • Your AccessData model conforming to ABACAccessData
  • Setup your cache repository:
    • YourCacheRepo conforming to ABACCacheRepo


Your User Model

  1. No specific requirements, (model should conform to Codable)
  2. Conform to ABACUser

Your Role Model

  1. Needs a name property (model should conform to Codable)
  2. Setup the name property with a unique constraint inside your models Migration
  3. Conform to ABACRole

Your UserData Model

  1. Needs a roles property - Array of roles (model should conform to Codable)
  2. Conform to ABACUserData

Your AccessData Model

  1. Needs a userData property
  2. Conform to ABACAccessData

Your CacheRepo

  1. Either conform your CacheRepo protocol or your actual repo to ABACCacheRepo and implement its requirements.

An example of an APIResource A simple struct holding your resources, could look like:

struct APIResource {
    static let _apiEntry: String = "api"
    static let _all: [String] = Resource.allCases.map { $0.rawValue }.sorted { $0 < $1 }
    static let _allProtected: [String] = [
    ].sorted { $0 < $1 }

    enum Resource: String, CaseIterable {
        case login = "login"
        // abac
        case abacAuthorizationPolicies = "abac-auth-policies"
        case abacAuthorizationPoliciesService = "abac-auth-policies-service"
        case abacConditions = "abac-conditions"
        // others
        case todos = "todos"
        case users = "users"
        case myUser = "my-user"
        case roles = "roles"
        case bulk = "bulk"
        case foo = "foo"

DB Seeding

Admin user

struct AdminUser: AsyncMigration {
    enum Constant {
        static let name = "Admin"
        static let email = "webmaster@foo.com"
        static let passwordLength = 16
    func prepare(on database: Database) async throws {
        let random = [UInt8].random(count: Constant.passwordLength).base64
        print("\nPASSWORD: \(random)") // TODO: use logger
        let password = try? Bcrypt.hash(random)
        guard let hashedPassword = password else {
            fatalError("Failed to create admin user")
        let user = UserModel(name: Constant.name,
                             email: Constant.email,
                             password: hashedPassword)
        try await user.save(on: database)
    func revert(on database: Database) async throws {
        try await UserModel.query(on: database).filter(\.$email == Constant.email)

Minimal policy rule set

It is recommended to create a minimal set of rules to read, create auth policies and read roles to not lock yourself out

import ABACAuthorization

struct RestrictedABACAuthorizationPoliciesMigration: AsyncMigration {
    let readAuthPolicies = "\(ABACAPIAction.read)\(APIResource.Resource.abacAuthPolicies.rawValue)"
    let createAuthPolicies = "\(ABACAPIAction.create)\(APIResource.Resource.abacAuthPolicies.rawValue)"
    let readRoles = "\(ABACAPIAction.read)\(APIResource.Resource.roles.rawValue)"
    let readAuths = "\(ABACAPIAction.read)\(APIResource.Resource.auth.rawValue)"
    func prepare(on database: Database) async throws {
        guard let role = try await RoleModel.query(on: database).first() else {
            thorw Abort(.internalServerError)
        let readAuthPolicy = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel(
            roleName: role.name,
            actionKey: readAuthPolicies,
            actionValue: true)
        let writeAuthPolicy = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel(
            roleName: role.name,
            actionKey: createAuthPolicies,
            actionValue: true)
        let readRole = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel(
            roleName: role.name,
            actionKey: readRoles,
            actionValue: true)
        let readAuth = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel(
            roleName: role.name,
            actionKey: readAuths,
            actionValue: true)
        async let readAuthPolicyResponse: () = readAuthPolicy.save(on: database)
        async let writeAuthPolicyResponse: () = writeAuthPolicy.save(on: database)
        async let readRoleResponse: () = readRole.save(on: database)
        async let readAuthResponse: () = readAuth.save(on: database)
        _ = try await (readAuthPolicyResponse, writeAuthPolicyResponse, readRoleResponse, readAuthResponse)
    func revert(on database: Database) async throws {
        guard let role =  try await RoleModel.query(on: database).first() else {
            throw Abort(.internalServerError)
        async let readAuthPolicyResponse: () = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel.query(on: database)
            .filter(\.$roleName == role.name)
            .filter(\.$actionKey == readAuthPolicies)
        async let writeAuthPolicyResponse: () = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel.query(on: database)
            .filter(\.$roleName == role.name)
            .filter(\.$actionKey == createAuthPolicies)
        async let readRoleResponse: () = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel.query(on: database)
            .filter(\.$roleName == role.name)
            .filter(\.$actionKey == readRoles)
        async let readAuthResponse: () = ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel.query(on: database)
            .filter(\.$roleName == role.name)
            .filter(\.$actionKey == readAuths)
        _ = try await (readAuthPolicyResponse, writeAuthPolicyResponse, readRoleResponse, readAuthResponse)

Final Steps

Open configure.swift

Import the package (import ABACAuthorization) set the integrated Fluent repository

app.abacAuthorizationRepoFactory.use { req in
    ABACAuthorizationFluentRepo(db: req.db)

Hook into the models lifecycle events


Prepare the models


and add your AdminAuthorizationPolicy migration with the minimal set of rules

app.migrations.use(AdminAuthorizationPolicyRestricted(), on: .psql)

To Load the persisted rules on startup go to boot.swift

// MARK: Authorization

if let sql = app.db as? SQLDatabase {
    let query = SQLQueryString("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_tables where tablename  = '" + ABACAuthorizationPolicyModel.schema + "');")
    let abacPolicySchema = try sql.raw(query).first(decoding: [String:Bool].self).wait()
    if abacPolicySchema?.first?.value == true {
        let policies = try app.abacAuthorizationRepo.getAllWithConditions().wait()
        for policy in policies {
            try app.abacAuthorizationPolicyService.addToInMemoryCollection(policy: policy, conditions: policy.conditions)

Horizontal scaling

To achieve a fast decision making process for the evaluation if a request should be permitted or denied, all ABAC policies are stored in memory. This approach leads to some extra work to keep all instances, their in-memory policies, in sync. See the demo projects README for further information how to make this package horizontally scalable.

Demo Project

Here you can find an quick and dirty example project for testing purposes, it should show how ABACAuthorization can be used. Not all routes/ handlers are fully implemented, sometimes you have the api functionality but not the frontend part:


When creating new policies, it should be done from the API point of view. That means e.g. if you want to show all users, it's a "read users" policy as you need to read the "user" table. If you want to add a role to a user, you need to have a "create update role_user" policy because it has a pivot table, adding a role means creating an entry in here.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.