
Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd

Primary LanguageRuby

Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate


Amazon Redshift output plugin uploads event logs to an Amazon Redshift Cluster. Supportted data formats are csv, tsv and json. An S3 bucket and a Redshift Cluster are required to use this plugin.


gem install fluent-plugin-redshift



<match my.tag>
    type redshift

    # s3 (for copying data to redshift)
    aws_key_id YOUR_AWS_KEY_ID
    aws_sec_key YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY
    s3_bucket YOUR_S3_BUCKET
    s3_endpoint YOUR_S3_BUCKET_END_POINT
    path YOUR_S3_PATH
    timestamp_key_format year=%Y/month=%m/day=%d/hour=%H/%Y%m%d-%H%M

    # redshift
    file_type [tsv|csv|json|msgpack]

    # buffer
    buffer_type file
    buffer_path /var/log/fluent/redshift
    flush_interval 15m
    buffer_chunk_limit 1g

Example (watch and upload json formatted apache log):

    type tail
    path redshift_test.json
    pos_file redshift_test_json.pos
    tag redshift.json
    format /^(?<log>.*)$/

<match redshift.json>
    type redshift

    # s3 (for copying data to redshift)
    aws_key_id YOUR_AWS_KEY_ID
    aws_sec_key YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY
    s3_bucket hapyrus-example
    s3_endpoint s3.amazonaws.com
    path path/on/s3/apache_json_log/
    timestamp_key_format year=%Y/month=%m/day=%d/hour=%H/%Y%m%d-%H%M

    # redshift
    redshift_host xxx-yyy-zzz.xxxxxxxxxx.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com
    redshift_port 5439
    redshift_dbname fluent-redshift-test
    redshift_user fluent
    redshift_password fluent-password
    redshift_tablename apache_log
    file_type json

    # buffer
    buffer_type file
    buffer_path /var/log/fluent/redshift
    flush_interval 15m
    buffer_chunk_limit 1g
  • type (required) : The value must be redshift.

  • aws_key_id (required) : AWS access key id to access s3 bucket.

  • aws_sec_key (required) : AWS securet key id to access s3 bucket.

  • s3_bucket (required) : s3 bucket name. S3 bucket must be same as the region of your Redshift cluster.

  • s3_endpoint : s3 endpoint.

  • path (required) : s3 path to input.

  • timestamp_key_format : The format of the object keys. It can include date-format directives.

    • Default parameter is "year=%Y/month=%m/day=%d/hour=%H/%Y%m%d-%H%M"
    • For example, the s3 path is as following with the above example configration.

    hapyrus-example/apache_json_log/year=2013/month=03/day=05/hour=12/20130305_1215_00.gz hapyrus-example/apache_json_log/year=2013/month=03/day=05/hour=12/20130305_1230_00.gz

  • redshift_host (required) : the end point(or hostname) of your Amazon Redshift cluster.

  • redshift_port (required) : port number.

  • redshift_dbname (required) : database name.

  • redshift_user (required) : user name.

  • redshift_password (required) : password for the user name.

  • redshift_tablename (required) : table name to store data.

  • redshift_schemaname : schema name to store data. By default, this option is not set and find table without schema as your own search_path.

  • redshift_connect_timeout : maximum time to wait for connection to succeed.

  • file_type : file format of the source data. csv, tsv, msgpack or json are available.

  • delimiter : delimiter of the source data. This option will be ignored if file_type is specified.

  • buffer_type : buffer type.

  • buffer_path : path prefix of the files to buffer logs.

  • flush_interval : flush interval.

  • buffer_chunk_limit : limit buffer size to chunk.

  • utc : utc time zone. This parameter affects timestamp_key_format.

Logging examples

# examples by fluent-logger
require 'fluent-logger'
log = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new(nil, :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224)

# file_type: csv
log.post('your.tag', :log => "12345,12345")

# file_type: tsv
log.post('your.tag', :log => "12345\t12345")

# file_type: json
require 'json'
log.post('your.tag', :log => { :user_id => 12345, :data_id => 12345 }.to_json)
log.post('your.tag', :log => { :user_id => 12345, :data_id => 12345 })

# file_type: msgpack
log.post('your.tag', :user_id => 12345, :data_id => 12345)


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