leoniteto's Stars
Scikit-Learn, NLTK, Spacy, Gensim, Textblob and more
👩🏫 Advanced NLP with spaCy: A free online course
comparing stand up comedians using natural language processing
It is a Natural Language Processing Problem where Sentiment Analysis is done by Classifying the Positive tweets from negative tweets by machine learning models for classification, text mining, text analysis, data analysis and data visualization
This repository provides everything to get started with Python for Text Mining / Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Materials for the workshop Advanced Text Analysis with SpaCy and Scikit-Learn, given at NYU during NYCDH Week 2017, at PyData NYC in Nov. 2017, and at Columbia University in 2018 and 2019.
Analysing ESG report using Natural Language Processing
D-Lab's 9 hour introduction to text analysis with Python. Learn how to perform bag-of-words, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, word embeddings, and more, using scikit-learn, NLTK, gensim, and spaCy in Python.
D-Lab's 12 hour introduction to text analysis with Python. Learn how to perform bag-of-words, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, word embeddings, and more, using scikit-learn, NLTK, Gensim, and spaCy in Python.
Accompanies Finastra's Hack to the Future 4 Learning Session "Sustainability reports & NLP"
NLP basic and advance text preprocessing concepts and techniques
Materials for Exploratory Text Analysis with spaCy and textacy at ODSC 2021
This Jupyter notebook examines the evolution of ESG disclosures by companies over time. It uses the universe of companies, for which Refinitiv has been collacting ESG data since 2002, and examines how the number of ESG metrics that these companies report on evolved between 2002 and now.
Extracting ESG relevant information from Company Sustainability Reports using NLP
Does Mandatory Non-Financial Reporting Affect Firms’ ESG Behavior?
Basic Sentiment Analysis on Text File(Annual Report) with Python
Analyzing and Visualizing Text Information in Corporate Sustainability Reports using Natural Language Processing Methods
These are the files related to a book chapter written on the computational text analysis of Danish CSR reporting trends.
import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) import string # special operations on strings import spacy # language models from matplotlib.pyplot import imread from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud %matplotlib inlineb # remove both the leading and the trailing characters # removes empty strings, because they are considered in Python as false # Joining the list into one string/text #Punctuation #with arguments (x, y, z) where 'x' and 'y' # must be equal-length strings and characters in 'x' # are replaced by characters in 'y'. 'z' # is a string (string.punctuation here) #stopwords #tokenization ##Remove stopwords import nltk nltk.download('stopwords') #normalize data #stemming #feature extraction #generate wordcloud
Using NLTK library and annual report to determine financial health of a firm
Title of Project: Analysis of Climate-related Disclosures in Corporate Annual Reports Using Natural Language Processing