
Ansible role that installs Erlang from a custom repository.

Erlang Build Status

Installs Erlang from a custom repository. By default it'll install the latest erlang and erlang-manpages packages available from Erlang Solutions repositories.



Role Variables

Required variables:

  • erlang_packages_state: State for apt module, for defining if packages should be installed, upgraded to latest version or removed. Default to latest.
  • erlang_additional_packages: List of additional packages to install. Defaults to [erlang-manpages].
  • erlang_repo: Repository URL for package installation. Defaults to http://packages.erlang-solutions/ for Debian and to https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/ for Ubuntu.
  • erlang_repo_key_url: GPG key URL for repository validation. Defaults to https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/erlang_solutions.asc.
  • erlang_repo_key_server: GPG key server URL for repository validation. Used in conjunction with erlang_repo_key_id. If these two variables are defined, do not define erlang_repo_key_url.
  • erlang_repo_key_id: GPG key ID for repository validation. Used in conjunction with erlang_repo_key_server. If these two variables are defined, do not define erlang_repo_key_url.
  • erlang_pin: Defines if the erlang_repo will be pinned. Defaults to true.

Internal variables, avoid changing:

  • erlang_packages_force: Forces package installation when packages are not authenticated. This is happening on Erlang-Solution's Debian repository. Defaults to yes for Debian and no for every other distribution.
  • erlang_pin_priority: Pin priority. Defaults to 999, so that the erlang_repo as priority over other repositories except when it would downgrade the installed package.




Tests can be ran on Debian Wheezy and Ubuntu Trusty boxes by executing "vagrant up".

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - role: mtpereira.erlang
         - erlang-doc
         - erlang-manpages
         - erlang-mode
       become: yes



Author Information

Thanks to Erlang Solutions for the Erlang packages repository.

GitHub project page

Manuel Tiago Pereira