leonlei's Stars
This plugin intends to simplify the usage of http://hotswapagent.org. Agent provides real hotswap functionality together with https://dcevm.github.io which extends JVM class redefinition functionality.
🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
Narnia Cruise Lines has several ships and a variety of cruise itineraries, each involving several ports-of-call. The company wants to maintain information on the sailors and other people who currently work on each of its ships. It also wants to keep track of both its past and future cruises and of the passengers who sailed on the former and are booked on the latter. Each ship has many sailors on it including a captain, engineers, doctors and cooks. The unique identifier of each ship is its ship number. Other ship attributes include ship name, weight, year built, and passenger capacity. Each sailor has a unique sailor identification number, as well as a name, date-of-birth, salary, and nationality. Some of the sailors are in supervising positions, supervising several other sailors and earn 20% more than sailors. Each sailor reports to just one supervisor. The base salary of sailors is $50,000 and the captain gets $300,000. Engineers and cooks make $80,000. A cruise is identified by a unique cruise serial number. Other cruise descriptors include a sailing date, a return date, and a departure port (which is also the cruise’s ending point.) Clearly, a cruise involves exactly one ship and over time a ship sails on many cruises. Each cruise stops at one or usually several ports-of-call, each of which is normally host to many cruises, over time. In addition, the company wants to maintain information about ports that it has not as yet used in its cruises but may use in the future. A port is identified by its name and the country that it is in. Other information about a port includes its population, whether a passport is required for the passengers to disembark there, and its current docking fee, which is assumed to be $20,000 if the ship’s weight is less than 30000 tons, $50,000 if between 30000-50000 tons and $100,000 if the ship’s weight is over 50000 tons. A cruise typically has many passengers on it and on average a ticket costs $900. Passenger information includes a unique passenger number, name, home address, nationality, date-of- birth, money they paid for joining the cruise and moneySpentOnCruise (calculated by totalling amount of money spent by the passenger on-board cruise). Hoping for return business, the company wants to keep track of passengers that may have sailed on several of its cruises (and/or may be booked for a future cruise.) For a person to be of interest to the company, he or she must have sailed on or be booked on at least one of the company’s cruises. The company wants to keep track of how much money each passenger paid for each of their cruises, as well as their satisfaction rating of the cruise, if it has been completed. 1|Page Tasks Design a complete object-oriented system for cruise management based on the above specification. Your system must in the least provide the following features through a console based menu system: 1. Create a cruise with ship, sailors and ports randomly. 2. Add passengers to a cruise. Both manual and random options must be given. 3. Provide reports on the following areas: a. Revenue generated from the cruise passengers by nationality and age b. Details of all Sailors that worked on a cruise and the total cost of paying their salaries and the total cost of docking at different ports c. List of passengers with their details sorted by moneySpentOnCruise d. Cruise evaluation by passengers (assume each passenger completes a 5 question survey at the end of the cruise and generate/store random responses) e. Did the ship make a profit? Use the expenses and earnings from passengers. 4. Information about the cruise including employees, passengers, ports-of-call, and money spent by employees on the cruise must be stored in text files once the cruise is over. Note that this project is open-ended and therefore you are free to implement any additional functionality that you think is necessary based on your design. Most important requirement is the application of OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN principles.
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