CodeIgniter Library for MailChimp API v1.3
MailChimp API v1.3
The CodeIgniter Way


This requires that you have an account with MailChimp, and are able to obtain your API Key:


- Download and extract
- Place MCAPI.php in the /application/libraries/ folder of your CodeIgniter project

To use:

- First, to load the library:
    $config = array(
	    'apikey' => ''      // Insert your api key
            'secure' => FALSE   // Optional (defaults to FALSE)
	$this->load->library('MCAPI', $config, 'mail_chimp');

Then, to use:
        if($this->mail_chimp->listSubscribe($list_id, $email)) {
            // $email is now subscribed to list with id: $list_id

Call all other methods in this manner. For full documentation on the MailChimp API, visit: