
Small python (2.7) script which encapsulates mosdepth, bedtools and rtg tools for our benchmarking.

Primary LanguagePython


As promised, I made a small python (2.7) script which encapsulates mosdepth, bedtools and rtg tools for our benchmarking.


The tool first runs mosdepth to compute the global coverage per base.

From this file, it will then use bedtools to find the regions covered at a depth equal or higher than 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 42, 50 and 100 and intersect those with the "high confidence regions" that are given by the GIAB for both reference samples. It then runs the comparaison on those region with rtg-tool.

At the very end, it creates a small tab delimited file containing the summary results of all iterations.

I made the the script (besolved.py) available via dockerhub. This image (which is a bit heavy) does contain all the reference files for hg37 and hg38. Provided you run it within the docker image, all you have to provide are

  • VCF file delivered by your pipeline
  • BAM file that was created by your pipeline
  • Genome fasta file used for the alignment

The chromosomes must be encoded with the chr prefix before the chromosomes id. If it is a real problem, I can of course figure out a tweak around it. Hence, let me know.

The procedure is quite slow as it deals with big files and there are quite a few iterations (3h per benchmark). I would thus advise to make use of the multithreading options (-T).


docker pull sbrohee/besolverd

RUNNING (with docker)

Get the options

docker run  -it besolverd -h

Run in your home directory being the same user (not as root) having the same mount points within the container

docker run -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) -v
/my/home/absolute/path/:/my/home/absolute/path/:rw besolverd -h

Example run on cell line NA24385 with hg38 genome build

docker run -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) -v
/data/home:/data/home:rw -it sbrohee/besolverd -q
INPUTVCF  -b INPUTBAM  -g hg38 -o /outputdir/outputprefix -f INPUTFASTA
-u NA24385


It is of course not mandatory to use the tool, nor the procedure but at least it can be used as a starting point strategy to evaluate our pipelines.

I have been the only developer of the script so it might contain error. I won't be offended if you ask that I adapt, correct or add something to the script. Of course, you can also modify the script yourself (even if it is never a pleasure to dig into the awful python code of someone else).

Genome build hg19/37 may or may not contain a chr prefix before the chromosome name. If you have that prefix in the VCF and BAM files, you shoud use -g hg37chr option.


This R script creates barplot from the results produced by besolverd.py. There is a variety of figures that can be produced from the benchmarking aralysis and this script produces only a small part of them. It requires R with the libraries optparse and data.table.



Rscript analyse_results.R -i input_directory -o output_directory  -c ULiege,IPG,KULeuven,UGent,VUB -l NA24385,NA12878 -d 42x,30x,25x -k Truseq,Kapa,NexteraFlex

Argument description

  • -i path to a directory that contains all the final files produced by besolved.py. The script will look for all files having suffix _results.tab in all subdirectories of this path.
  • -o path to a directory were the figures will be stored
  • -c comma separated list of names used in the result file produced by besolved.py to describe the genetic center where the sample has been sequenced. If the file name contains ULiege, the script will mark this sample has sequenced in ULiege.
  • -i comma separated list of cell line names used in the result file produced by besolved.py to specify the cell line that is sequenced.
  • -d comma separated list of coverages as they are found in the output file names
  • -k comma separated list of kits used to produce the WGS library