Building the most comprehensive list of annual hackathons in the Netherlands at hackathonlist.nl.
- beugsMorocco
- gandreadisThe Netherlands
- geerdink@aizonic
- ianchuteBodhala
- jamy015Delft, the Netherlands
- JJWTimmerDojoo.io && Nederland Eet Groep
- jonnyhoeventhe Netherlands
- jotasproutRoxor Soxor
- JSAbrahamsQ*Bird
- jverbraekenDelft University of Technology
- leonoverweelDexter Energy
- mallochio
- manikajain11Delhi Technological University
- matthew95
- mcnakhaeeExact
- nickocodes
- ottodevs
- rgingnagel
- sbuePhiladelphia, PA
- SijmenHuizengaDelft, Netherlands
- singingwolfboyAmsterdam, NL
- spidfire
- ThomasKluitersDelft, The Netherlands
- toinehartman@SWAT-engineering
- xe-rxUniversity of Amsterdam
- zsevicBelgrade, Serbia