
Thesis: A Rails CMS that doesn't hijack your development workflow. Star this repo to keep tabs on our progress!

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Thesis Build Status

Thesis is a Rails CMS gem that integrates as seamlessly as possible into your current Rails website.

Most Rails content management systems make you conform to their system from the start, making it difficult to just "drop in" the gem and make it work with your CMS. Thesis tries to be a drop-in CMS that doesn't hijack your development workflow and stays out of the way.


  • Rails 3.2.x (or higher)
  • ActiveRecord on MySQL, PostgresQL, or SQLite3
  • Ruby 1.9.3 (or higher)
  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI

Thesis might work with other versions but no guarantees.

Getting Started


In your Gemfile:

gem 'thesis'

Then run these from your command line:

bundle install
rails g thesis:install
rake db:migrate

This will install thesis and add the database tables.


Thesis does not force you to use a particular authentication strategy.

Instead, it adds a method into your application_controller.rb file that allows you to hook up your own authentication logic.

  • If you return false from this method, nothing will show up client-side nor will the page be editable.
  • If you return true from this method, the Thesis editor will appear and the page will be editable.
# Thesis authentication
def page_is_editable?(page)
  # Add your own criteria here for editing privileges. Examples:
  # current_user.admin? # Basic admin
  # can? :update, page # CanCan
  true # EVERYONE has access right now.

Page Templates

Thesis's installer will drop a page_templates folder into your app/views folder. This is where you put different styles of pages for use in the CMS. Thesis will install an ERB, HAML, or Slim version, depending on your configuration.

Meta information

Pages come with a few built-in fields for use in meta tags.

%title= current_page.title
%meta{ content: current_page.description, type: "description" }

Thesis Editor

Place this right after your opening body tag to embed the Thesis editor. It will only show up if your page_is_editable? method returns true.

  = thesis_editor

Page title

%h1= current_page.title

Primary Navigation

Use root_pages to get a list of pages at the root level. You can use the page's name and path accessors in your links.

    %li= link_to "Home", root_path # You can mix and match dynamic and static pages
    - root_pages.each do |p|
      %li= link_to p.name, p.path
    %li= link_to "Static Page", static_page_path

Page content

Content areas are accessible from any page using the content method. This method takes two arguments: name and type. Type defaults to :html. The only other type is :text (for now) which is plain text, no HTML accepted. :image will be added soon.

Both content types will wrap their content in a <div> or <span>.

Referencing a content area in a page template will create one if it doesn't exist already.

  = current_page.content("Main Content", :html, default: "<p>This is my default HTML content.<p>")
  = current_page.content("Sidebar Content", :html)  
  %p= current_page.content("Footer Content", :text, default: "Copyright Me")


Thesis will automatically handle routes for pages you create with Thesis. Your routes will take precedence over Thesis-created pages, so if you create a page with Thesis called "About" and you already have a route for get "about" => "something#else" Thesis won't show the page.

Using the CMS

Adding a Page


Editing a Page


Deleting a Page


Rearranging Pages


What Thesis Isn't

You can't have it all. Thesis isn't the same as other -bloated- full-functioned content management systems out there. This is a list of what it's not now and not likely to be in the future.

We reserve the right to change our mind, however, especially with well planned and written pull requests to help prod us in the right direction. :-)

  1. A WordPress Replacement
  2. A full featured CMS
  3. A full featured WYSIWYG editor
  4. An authentication or permission system
  5. A gem that works well with Sinatra or non-ActiveRecord ORMs
  6. Anything other than a basic editor for pages and page content


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Write tests for your new feature
  5. Run rake spec in the root directory to ensure that all tests pass.
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new Pull Request

Key Contributors