Open a file: vim /some/file
Open a file within vim: :e /some/file
Save file: :w
Exit vim: :q
Save and exit vim: :wq
Force save/exit (when you don't have permission): :w!
, :q!
, :wq!
(but, why don't you have permission?)
Go to top: gg
Go to bottom: [shift] + g
Go to beginning of line: [home]
Go to end of line: [end]
Scroll up and down quickly: [PgUp]
, [PgDown]
, or just mousewheel back and forth
Go to place containing some given string (i.e. search): /somegivenstring
, then, hit n
to cycle through occurrence.
Highlight all occurrences of some given string (i.e. search): /somegivenstring
Get rid of search highlights: /alskjdflksjdf
(basically mash on keyboard for a string that probably won't exist in your file)
Search and replace via regex: :%s/something/somethingelse/gci
Note: "gci" means replace all occurrences, confirm with user for each case, and do so case insensitively, which is usually what you want
Highlight characters (i.e. visual mode):
to highlight current character,[left]
to highlight more characters
Highlight line (i.e. visual line mode):
[shift] + v
to highlight current line,[up]
to highlight more lines
Highlight block (i.e. visual block mode):
[ctrl] + v
to highlight current character,[left]
to highlight more characters as if you're drawing a box
Copy (or "yank"): y
after highlighting what you want to copy
Cut (or "delete"): d
after highlighting what you want to cut
Cut current line: dd
Paste: p
to paste after current position or current line (depending on what you've copied/cutted)
Indenting lines left or right: <
or >
after highlighting the lines
Indenting lines left or right by more than one indent level: press a number before hitting the <
or >
Indent to the left by some number of spaces: block-highlight those spaces and cut/delete
to go into insert mode and start typing
to get out of insert mode
Get a top and bottom split of windows: :split
Get a left and right split of windows: :vsplit
Jump between windows: <ctrl> + w
, then [left]
, [right]
, [up]
, [down]
in the direction you want to jump
In each window you can do regular vim things. You can copy/paste/yank/cut/etc... between windows. You can exit each individual window and it won't quit vim until you exit the last window.
Activate syntax highlighting: :setf <language>