
A parallelized movie recommendation based on Apache Hadoop and Hive

Primary LanguageJava


  1. This project is based on Hadoop and Hive.
    If you don't have set them up, please reference the following instructions: Hadoop & Hive.

  2. You can download our testing data from here.
    The README.txt has very detailed explaination about the property of their data. We also has descriptions in our wirteup. Please replace the :: in the given data set by (which is a tab). Just make it easier to process.

  3. Please change the directory to the data file you just download.
    For me, it is $cd ~/ml-1m
    Please start the hadoop, which is a prerequest for Hive running.
    Type the command $hive -f extract.q.
    A directory "result" would appear. It stores the data we want to use. We have already provided such extracted data, called new_data.txt in the source file.

  4. Create the folder on the HDFS, we will put the data into the folder:
    $ hadoop fs -makedir /hadoop
    Put the data on the HDFS:
    $ hadoop -fs copyFromLocal /directory of the data/ /hadoop
    For me, it’s $hadoop -fs copyFromLocal ~/new_data.txt /hadoop
    Run the jar code:
    $ hadoop jar ./Bayes.jar hw6.MultiMovieRecommender /hadoop/ /hadoop/temp /hadoop/output/
    Check the result of training data
    $hadoop fs -cat /hadoop/output/part*

  5. Make sure the output of training data is in the directory of /movie in the HDFS.
    Make sure that BayesHiveUDF.jar is in your current directory.
    Run the command $ hive -f constructtrain.q
    Run the command $ hive -f classification.q
    When we want to change the parameters, we can just simply change the line 11 of classification.q
    In the directory result/finalresult, the reuslt of recommendation is generated.
    Our sample text result is in the source directory: test_result.txt

Thanks for your using. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Email: cwang107@jhu.edu