
Play Leetcode with different Programming language

Primary LanguageC++


# Title c c++ python go rust Difficulty
0001 Two Sum c c++ python go rust Easy
0002 Add Two Numbers c c++ python go rust Medium
0003 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters c c++ python Medium
0004 Median of Two Sorted Arrays c c++ python Hard
0005 Longest Palindromic Substring c c++ python Medium
0006 ZigZag Conversion c c++ python Medium
0007 Reverse Integer c c++ python Easy
0008 String to Integer (atoi) c c++ python Medium
0009 Palindrome Number c c++ python Easy
0010 Regular Expression Matching c c++ python Hard
0011 Container With Most Water c c++ python Medium
0012 Integer to Roman c c++ python Medium
0013 Roman to Integer c c++ python Easy
0014 Longest Common Prefix c c++ python Easy
0015 3Sum c c++ python Medium
0016 3Sum Closest c c++ python Medium
0017 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number c c++ python Medium
0018 4Sum c c++ python Medium
0019 Remove Nth Node From End of List c c++ python Medium
0020 Valid Parentheses c c++ python Easy
0021 Merge Two Sorted Lists c c++ python Easy
0022 Generate Parentheses c c++ python Medium
0023 Merge k Sorted Lists c c++ python Hard
0024 Swap Nodes in Pairs c c++ python Medium
0025 Reverse Nodes in k-Group c c++ python Hard
0026 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array c c++ python Easy
0027 Remove Element c c++ python Easy
0028 Implement strStr() c c++ python Easy
0029 Divide Two Integers c c++ python Medium
0030 Substring with Concatenation of All Words c c++ python Hard
0031 Next Permutation c c++ python Medium
0032 Longest Valid Parentheses c c++ python Hard
0033 Search in Rotated Sorted Array c c++ python Medium
0034 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array c c++ python Medium
0035 Search Insert Position c c++ python Easy
0036 Valid Sudoku c c++ python Medium
0037 Sudoku Solver c c++ python Hard
0038 Count and Say c c++ python Easy
0039 Combination Sum c c++ python Medium
0040 Combination Sum II c c++ python Medium
0041 First Missing Positive c c++ python Hard
0042 Trapping Rain Water c c++ python Hard
0043 Multiply Strings c c++ python Medium
0044 Wildcard Matching c c++ python Hard
0045 Jump Game II c c++ python Hard
0046 Permutations c c++ python Medium
0047 Permutations II c c++ python Medium
0048 Rotate Image c c++ python Medium
0049 Group Anagrams c c++ python Medium
0050 Pow(x, n) c c++ python Medium
0051 N-Queens c c++ python Hard
0052 N-Queens II c c++ python Hard
0053 Maximum Subarray c c++ python Easy
0054 Spiral Matrix c c++ python Medium
0055 Jump Game c c++ python Medium
0056 Merge Intervals c c++ python Medium
0057 Insert Interval c c++ python Hard
0058 Length of Last Word c c++ python Easy
0059 Spiral Matrix II c c++ python Hard
0060 Permutation Sequence c c++ python Medium
0061 Rotate List c c++ python Medium
0062 Unique Paths c c++ python Medium
0063 Unique Paths II c c++ python Medium
0064 Minimum Path Sum c c++ python Medium
0065 Valid Number c c++ python Hard
0066 Plus One c c++ python Easy
0068 Text Justification c c++ python Hard
0069 Sqrt(x) c c++ python Easy
0070 Climbing Stairs c c++ python Easy
0071 Simplify Path c c++ python Medium
0072 Edit Distance c c++ python Hard
0073 Set Matrix Zeroes c c++ python Medium
0074 Search a 2D Matrix c c++ python Medium
0075 Sort Colors c c++ python Medium
0076 Minimum Window Substring c c++ python Easy
0077 Combinations c c++ python Medium
0078 Subsets c c++ python Medium
0079 Word Search c c++ python Medium
0080 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II c c++ python Medium
0081 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II c c++ python Medium
0082 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II c c++ python Medium
0083 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List c c++ python Easy
0084 Largest Rectangle in Histogram c c++ python Hard
0085 Maximal Rectangle c c++ python Hard
0086 Partition List c c++ python Medium
0087 Scramble String c c++ python Hard
0088 Merge Sorted Array c c++ python Easy
0089 Gray Code c c++ python Medium
0090 Subsets II c c++ python Medium
0091 Decode Ways c c++ python Medium
0092 Reverse Linked List II c c++ python Medium
0093 Restore IP Addresses c c++ python Medium
0094 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal c c++ python Medium
0095 Unique Binary Search Trees II c c++ python Medium
0096 Unique Binary Search Trees c c++ python Medium
0097 Interleaving String c c++ python Medium
0098 Validate Binary Search Tree c c++ python Medium
0099 Recover Binary Search Tree c c++ python Hard
0100 Same Tree c c++ python Easy
0101 Symmetric Tree c c++ python Easy
0102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal c c++ python Medium
0103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal c c++ python Medium
0104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal c c++ python Medium
0106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal c c++ python Medium
0107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II c c++ python Easy
0108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree c c++ python Easy
0109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree c c++ python Medium
0110 Balanced Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0112 Path Sum c c++ python Easy
0113 Path Sum II c c++ python Medium
0114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List c c++ python Medium
0115 Distinct Subsequences c c++ python Hard
0116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node c c++ python Medium
0117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II c c++ python Medium
0118 Pascal's Triangle c c++ python Easy
0119 Pascal's Triangle II c c++ python Easy
0120 Triangle c c++ python Medium
0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock c c++ python Easy
0122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II c c++ python Easy
0123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III c c++ python Hard
0124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum c c++ python Hard
0125 Valid Palindrome c c++ python Easy
0126 Word Ladder II c c++ python Hard
0127 Word Ladder c c++ python Medium
0128 Longest Consecutive Sequence c c++ python Hard
0129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers c c++ python Medium
0130 Surrounded Regions c c++ python Medium
0131 Palindrome Partitioning c c++ python Medium
0132 Palindrome Partitioning II c c++ python Hard
0133 Clone Graph c c++ python Medium
0134 Gas Station c c++ python Medium
0135 Candy c c++ python Hard
0136 Single Number c c++ python Easy
0137 Single Number II c c++ python Medium
0138 Copy List with Random Pointer c c++ python Medium
0139 Word Break c c++ python Medium
0140 Word Break II c c++ python Hard
0141 Linked List Cycle c c++ python Easy
0142 Linked List Cycle II c c++ python Medium
0143 Reorder-List c c++ python Medium
0144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal c c++ python Medium
0145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal c c++ python Hard
0146 LRU Cache c c++ python Hard
0147 Insertion Sort List c c++ python Medium
0148 Sort List c c++ python Medium
0149 Max Points on a Line c c++ python Hard
0150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation c c++ python Medium
0151 Reverse Words in a String c c++ python Medium
0152 Maximum Product Subarray c c++ python Medium
0153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array c c++ python Medium
0154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II c c++ python Hard
0155 Min Stack c c++ python Easy
0160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists c c++ python Easy
0162 Find Peak Element c c++ python Medium
0165 Compare Version Numbers c c++ python Medium
0166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal c c++ python Medium
0167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted c c++ python Easy
0168 Excel Sheet Column Title c c++ python Easy
0169 Majority Element c c++ python Easy
0171 Excel Sheet Column Number c c++ python Easy
0172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes c c++ python Easy
0173 Binary Search Tree Iterator c c++ python Medium
0174 Dungeon Game c c++ python Hard
0179 Largest Number c c++ python Medium
0187 Repeated-DNA-Sequences c c++ python Medium
0188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV c c++ python Hard
0189 Rotate Array c c++ python Easy
0190 Reverse Bits c c++ python Easy
0191 Number of 1 Bits c c++ python Easy
0198 House Robber c c++ python Easy
0199 Binary Tree Right Side View c c++ python Medium
0200 Number of Islands c c++ python Medium
0201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range c c++ python Medium
0202 Happy Number c c++ python Easy
0203 Remove Linked List Elements c c++ python Easy
0204 Count Primes c c++ python Easy
0205 Isomorphic Strings c c++ python Easy
0206 Reverse Linked List c c++ python Easy
0208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) c c++ python Easy
0209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum c c++ python Medium
0211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design c c++ python Medium
0213 House Robber II c c++ python Medium
0215 Kth Largest Element in an Array c c++ python Medium
0216 Combination Sum III c c++ python Medium
0217 Contains Duplicate c c++ python Easy
0219 Contains Duplicate II c c++ python Easy
0221 Maximal Square c c++ python Medium
0222 Count Complete Tree Nodes c c++ python Medium
0226 Invert Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0228 Summary Ranges c c++ python Medium
0229 Majority Element II c c++ python Medium
0230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST c c++ python Medium
0234 Palindrome Linked List c c++ python Medium
0235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree c c++ python Easy
0236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree c c++ python Medium
0237 Delete Node in a Linked List c c++ python Easy
0238 Product of Array Except Self c c++ python Medium
0239 Sliding Window Maximum c c++ python Medium
0240 Search a 2D Matrix II c c++ python Medium
0241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses c c++ python Medium
0242 Valid Anagram c c++ python Easy
0242 Binary Tree Paths c c++ python Easy
0260 Single Number III c c++ python Medium
0263 Ugly Number c c++ python Easy
0264 Ugly Number II c c++ python Medium
0268 Missing Number c c++ python Easy
0279 Perfect Squares c c++ python Medium
0283 Move Zeroes c c++ python Easy
0287 Find the Duplicate Number c c++ python Medium
0289 Game of Life c c++ python Medium
0290 Word Pattern c c++ python Easy
0297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree c c++ python Hard
0300 Longest Increasing Subsequence c c++ python Medium
0303 Range Sum Query - Immutable c c++ python Easy
0307 Range Sum Query - Mutable c c++ python Medium
0309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown c c++ python Medium
0322 Coin-Change c c++ python Medium
0325 Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k c c++ python Medium
0328 Odd Even Linked List c c++ python Medium
0337 House Robber III c c++ python Medium
0341 Flatten Nested List Iterator c c++ python Medium
0343 Integer Break c c++ python Medium
0344 Reverse String c c++ python Easy
0345 Reverse Vowels of a String c c++ python Easy
0347 Top K Frequent Elements c c++ python Medium
0349 Intersection of Two Arrays c c++ python Easy
0350 Intersection of Two Arrays II c c++ python Easy
0354 Russian Doll Envelopes c c++ python Hard
0377 Combination Sum IV c c++ python Medium
0389 Find the Difference c c++ python Easy
0392 Is Subsequence c c++ python Medium
0401 Binary Watch c c++ python Easy
0404 Sum of Left Leaves c c++ python Easy
0416 Partition Equal Subset Sum c c++ python Medium
0435 Non-overlapping Intervals c c++ python Medium
0437 Path Sum III c c++ python Easy
0438 Find All Anagrams in a String c c++ python Easy
0445 Add Two Numbers II c c++ python Medium
0447 Number of Boomerangs c c++ python Easy
0450 Delete Node in a BST c c++ python Medium
0451 Sort Characters By Frequency c c++ python Easy
0454 4Sum II c c++ python Medium
0455 Assign Cookies c c++ python Easy
0474 Ones and Zeroes c c++ python Medium
0486 Predict the Winner c c++ python Medium
0494 Target Sum c c++ python Medium
0496 Next Greater Element I c c++ python Easy
0503 Next Greater Element II c c++ python Medium
0525 Contiguous Array c c++ python Medium
0530 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST c c++ python Easy
0543 Diameter of Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0547 Friend Circles c c++ python Medium
0560 Subarray Sum Equals K c c++ python Medium
0637 Average of Levels in Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0652 Find Duplicate Subtrees c c++ python Medium
0654 Maximum Binary Tree c c++ python Medium
0684 Redundant Connection c c++ python Medium
0687 Longest Univalue Path c c++ python Easy
0739 Daily Temperatures c c++ python Medium
0742 Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree c c++ python Medium
0788 Rotated Digits c c++ python Easy
0793 Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function c c++ python Hard
0834 Sum of Distances in Tree c c++ python Hard
0844 Backspace String Compare c c++ python Easy
0845 Longest Mountain in Array c c++ python Medium
0846 Hand of Straights c c++ python Medium
0847 Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes c c++ python Hard
0852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array c c++ python Easy
0872 Leaf-Similar Trees c c++ python Easy
0873 Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence c c++ python Medium
0874 Walking Robot Simulation c c++ python Easy
0901 Online Stock Span c c++ python Medium
0902 Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set c c++ python Hard
0907 Sum of Subarray Minimums c c++ python Medium
0917 Reverse Only Letters c c++ python Easy
0918 Maximum Sum Circular Subarray c c++ python Medium
0919 Complete Binary Tree Inserter c c++ python Medium
0920 Number of Music Playlists c c++ python Medium
0921 Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid c c++ python Medium
0922 Sort Array By Parity II c c++ python Easy
0923 3Sum With Multiplicity c c++ python Medium
0925 Long Pressed Name c c++ python Easy
0926 Flip String to Monotone Increasing c c++ python Medium
0927 Three Equal Parts c c++ python Medium
0929 Unique Email Addresses c c++ python Easy
0930 Binary Subarrays With Sum c c++ python Medium
0931 Minimum Falling Path Sum c c++ python Medium
0932 Beautiful Array c c++ python Medium
0933 Number of Recent Calls c c++ python Easy
0934 Shortest Bridge c c++ python Medium
0935 Knight Dialer c c++ python Medium
0936 Stamping The Sequence c c++ python Hard
0937 Reorder Log Files c c++ python Easy
0938 Range Sum of BST c c++ python Medium
0939 Minimum Area Rectangle c c++ python Medium
0940 Distinct Subsequences II c c++ python Hard
0941 Valid Mountain Array c c++ python Easy
0942 DI String Match c c++ python Easy
0943 Find the Shortest Superstring c c++ python Hard
0944 Delete Columns to Make Sorted c c++ python Easy
0945 Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique c c++ python Medium
0946 Validate Stack Sequences c c++ python Medium
0947 Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column c c++ python Medium
0948 Bag of Tokens c c++ python Medium
0949 Largest Time for Given Digits c c++ python Easy
0950 Reveal Cards In Increasing Order c c++ python Medium
0951 Flip Equivalent Binary Trees c c++ python Medium
0953 Verifying an Alien Dictionary c c++ python Easy
0954 Array of Doubled Pairs c c++ python Medium
0955 Delete Columns to Make Sorted II c c++ python Medium
0956 Tallest Billboard c c++ python Hard
0957 Prison Cells After N Days c c++ python Medium
0958 Check Completeness of a Binary Tree c c++ python Medium
0959 Regions Cut By Slashes c c++ python Medium
0960 Delete Columns to Make Sorted III c c++ python Hard
0961 N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array c c++ python Easy
0962 Maximum Width Ramp c c++ python Medium
0963 Minimum Area Rectangle II c c++ python Medium
0965 Univalued Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0966 Vowel Spellchecker c c++ python Medium
0967 Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences c c++ python Medium
0969 Pancake Sorting c c++ python Medium
0970 Powerful Integers c c++ python Easy
0971 Flip Binary Tree To Match Preorder Traversal c c++ python Medium
0972 Equal Rational Numbers c c++ python Hard
0973 K Closest Points to Origin c c++ python Easy
0974 Subarray Sums Divisible by K c c++ python Medium
0975 Odd Even Jump c c++ python Hard
0976 Largest Perimeter Triangle c c++ python Easy
0977 Squares of a Sorted Array c c++ python Easy
0978 Longest Turbulent Subarray c c++ python Medium
0979 Distribute Coins in Binary Tree c c++ python Medium
0980 Unique Paths III c c++ python Medium
0981 Time Based Key-Value Store c c++ python Medium
0982 Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero c c++ python Hard
0983 Minimum Cost For Tickets c c++ python Medium
0984 String Without AAA or BBB c c++ python Easy
0985 Sum of Even Numbers After Queries c c++ python Easy
0986 Interval List Intersections c c++ python Medium
0987 Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree c c++ python Medium
0988 Smallest String Starting From Leaf c c++ python Medium
0989 Add to Array-Form of Integer c c++ python Easy
0990 Satisfiability of Equality Equations c c++ python Medium
0991 Broken Calculator c c++ python Medium
0992 Subarrays with K Different Integers c c++ python Hard
0993 Cousins in Binary Tree c c++ python Easy
0994 Rotting Oranges c c++ python Easy
0995 Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips c c++ python Hard
0996 Number of Squareful Arrays c c++ python Hard
0997 Find the Town Judge c c++ python Easy
0998 Maximum Binary Tree II c c++ python Medium
0999 Available Captures for Rook c c++ python Easy
1001 Grid Illumination c c++ python Hard
1002 Find Common Characters c c++ python Easy
1003 Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions c c++ python Medium
1004 Max Consecutive Ones III c c++ python Medium
1005 Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations c c++ python Easy
1006 Clumsy Factorial c c++ python Medium
1007 Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row c c++ python Medium
1008 Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal c c++ python Medium
1009 Complement of Base 10 Integer c c++ python Easy
1010 Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 c c++ python Easy
1011 Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days c c++ python Medium
1012 Numbers With Repeated Digits c c++ python Hard
1013 Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum c c++ python Easy
1014 Best Sightseeing Pair c c++ python Medium
1015 Smallest Integer Divisible by K c c++ python Medium
1017 Convert to Base -2 c c++ python Medium
1018 Binary Prefix Divisible By 5 c c++ python Easy
1019 Next Greater Node In Linked List c c++ python Medium
1020 Number of Enclaves c c++ python Medium
1021 Remove Outermost Parentheses c c++ python Easy
1022 Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers c c++ python Easy
1023 Camelcase Matching c c++ python Medium
1025 Divisor Game c c++ python Easy
1026 Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor c c++ python Medium
1027 Longest Arithmetic Sequence c c++ python Medium
1033 Moving Stones Until Consecutive c c++ python Easy