
Pycms is a free and open source content management system written in python programming language. It is built on web.py framework.

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to pycms

Pycms is a free and open source content management system written in python programming language. It is built on web.py framework.


1. Set up database
  Configure the settings relatived database in the file "common/config.py"
    $vim common/config.py

  run the "setup-env.sh" script in command line:
    $source setup-env.sh
  Change to the "script" directory and run its database creation
    $cd script
    $python init_tables.py

  If you are to import test data, then run following:
    $python init_data.py

2. Start the application for development
    $python app.py

    then open web browser input http://localhost:8080 to test.