
An AWS CLI for destructive operations. Need to get rid of some EC2 instances left by, or maybe EBS dettached volumes? Release the Kraken!

Primary LanguagePython


An AWS CLI for destructive operations. Kraken can terminate all ec2 instances, available ebs volumes and old snapshots.

Author: Leonardo Pepe de Freitas


To perform a virtualenv installation, it means, the kraken cli will be installed inside $PWD/venv directory, run the followin command:

$ make all

If you are inttent to only generate a virtualenv with all package requirements:

$ make virtualenv

The recommend format is by using docker. To create a docker image run:

$ make docker

After the docker image creation the container can be started.


List stopped ec2 instances:

$ docker run \
  --rm \
  -e "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1" \
  -it \
  kraken:1.2.0 \
  ec2 ls --state=stopped

General help:

$ docker run \
  --rm \
  -e "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1" \
  -it \
  kraken:1.2.0 --help

Sub-Command and command help:

$ docker run \
  --rm \
  -e "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1" \
  -it \
  kraken:1.2.0 ec2 --help


Montando o .aws com as credenciais de acesso a AWS

$ docker run --rm -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -it kraken:latest ec2 rm --stopped
Termination result: Terminated status: ['i-7b7cc1e1'], instances:
 [{'TerminatingInstances': [{'CurrentState': {'Name': 'terminated', 'Code': 48}, 'InstanceId': 'i-7b7cc1e1', 'PreviousState': {'Name': 'stopped', 'Code': 80}}], 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '7c5d77bd-0e83-4c72-9520-b801ef0ab395', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200}}] [instance was stopped]

$ docker run --rm -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -it kraken:latest ec2 stop --all
Stop result: [{'StoppingInstances': [{'CurrentState': {'Code': 64, 'Name': 'stopping'}, 'InstanceId': 'i-b77fc22d', 'PreviousState': {'Code': 16, 'Name': 'running'}}], 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'e8dd11f1-1189-42b4-b28d-0f9a77cf6184', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200}}]

$ docker run --rm -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -it kraken:latest ec2 rm --stopped
Termination result: Terminated status: ['i-b77fc22d'], instances:
 [{'ResponseMetadata': {'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'RequestId': '99ac1396-7a93-436e-895b-38f851b24f0c'}, 'TerminatingInstances': [{'PreviousState': {'Code': 80, 'Name': 'stopped'}, 'InstanceId': 'i-b77fc22d', 'CurrentState': {'Code': 48, 'Name': 'terminated'}}]}] [instance was stopped]


  • List / Destroy by tag: # ec2.filter(Filters=[{'Name': 'tag:Name', 'Values': [tag]}])