
Scripts for easy install and update of an elrond-go node

Primary LanguageShell


Scripts for easy install and update of an elrond-go node


Scripts built for & testet on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server (should work on other related distros). Remeber to do:

git fetch
git reset --hard
git pull

after the announcement of a new testnet.

Ubuntu Scripts breakdown


  • golang.sh ----> Check if GoLang is installed. If not it installs the latest version (called in install.sh)
  • _prerequisite.sh ----> Updates your disto and installs some needed packages
  • install.sh ----> Main install script - clones repos, builds node, generates pems & gives you options to start node
  • monitrc ----> Deployed by the monit_install.sh script. You need to customize this before running the script !!!
  • testnet ----> Deployed by the monit_install.sh script. You need to customize this before running the script !!!
  • monit_install.sh ----> Installs the monit system to keep node running. This should be installed after node is running. (optional)
  • start.sh ----> This runs the node in the foreground in the current terminal window/console
  • start_screen.sh ----> Creates a "testnet" screen session and starts the node binary inside it
  • start_tmux.sh ----> Similar to the screen script but using the tmux application instead
  • start_tmux.sh ----> Tmux script for running multiple nodes at once (community addition to scripts - by ahakla)
  • update.sh ----> Script used to update node binary if needed


Scripts built for & tested on Windows 10 Pro 1903 64 bit

Windows Scripts breakdown


  • buildnode.bat ----> This script builds the node binary, generates pems and put all files in place (run prereq.bat first)
  • prereq.bat ----> RUN THIS WITH ADMINISTRATOR RIGHTS !!! This will install git & GoLang if you don't have them. RUN THIS FIRST !!!
  • start.bat ----> This will start your node inside a cmd window