
FastQueue Simple queue manager written in PHP (POC)

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple queue processor wrote in PHP simple and fast. (Work in progress)


id channel action data status tries after
1 payment MyApp\Sales\Payment::process { "var": 12 } 0 1 6542134421
2 payment Payment:payment { "var": 12 } 1 1 6542134421

data: json variables(no complex objects)

status: 1 = Processed | 0 = Holding | 2 - Failed

after: unixtimestamp (when to execute)

Lib actions:

  1. Read Queue = Collection
  2. Process Queue = execute the list
  3. Read Queue = List all activities
  4. Clear Queue = Clear processed actions(soft delete?)
  5. Trash Queue = Delete all processed action

How to use


$adapter = new FastQ\Adapters\Mysql(new PDO('...', 'user', 'pass'));

// Instanciate with dependency
$queue = new FastQ\Queue($adapter);

// Container callable
$queue->push('payment', 'Payment:process', '+5 seconds')->withData([
    'paymentId' => 'PAY-4880903345'

// Static callable
$queue->push('payment', 'MyApp\\Payment::sendSMS', '+5 seconds')->withData([
    'paymentId' => 'PAY-4880903345'

// Container Invokable call($receiver->__invoke())
$queue->push('payment', 'Receiver', '+5 seconds')->withData([
    'paymentId' => 'PAY-4880903345'

Init FastQ

$ php vendor/bin/fastq init

Queue Structure Dump run only once

$ php vendor/bin/fastq dump 

Queue Structure Dump(SQLite) run only once

$ php vendor/bin/fastq dump sqlite

Proccess the queue and stop

$ php vendor/bin/fastq work

Proccess the queue holding

$ php vendor/bin/fastq work --listen

$adapter = new FastQ\Adapters\Mysql(new PDO('...', 'user', 'pass'));

// Instanciate with dependency
$queue = new FastQ\Queue($adapter);

$worker = $queue->pull('channelName');

// Execute the jobs

// Response completed

// Response failures


Make the consumer/worker commands How to implement async in Worker.php? ReactPHP?


Leonardo Tumadjian