
docker-compose file for a secure MQTT broker

Primary LanguageMakefile

Basic Docker setup for a TLS enabled MQTT Server

This project establishes an MQTT broker with TLS and user authentication. Most actions including the generation of certificates are performed using GNU make to reduce errors introduced with manual procedures. You can print help using the command make help.


All MQTT clients must not only have a valid certificate, but they also must use user authentication to successfully connect to the broker. In this project, only one client is defined in the Makefile.

For each new client, you must edit a file containing information required to build a client certificate as well as the client's username and password.

Therefore, you must create a file named *.client in the mqtt/certs/clients directory, where * is the unique name of the client.

Your operating procedures will vary, but I found that it's useful to name the client file the same as the username.

The *.client file contains one line, with several fields separated by semicolons. The first column contains the subject line of the client's certificate. The second and third fields contain the username and password used in authentication with the MQTT broker.




It's safe to start and stop the broker without fear of losing the certificates. Start the MQTT broker with make start.

make start

To stop, run:

make stop


  1. Start the MQTT broker using make start.
  2. Verify that the broker is running with docker-compose ps
  3. Subscribe to the /world topic:
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 8883 -u example_user -P 'insecure' --cafile mqtt/certs/ca/ca.crt --cert mqtt/certs/clients/example_user.crt --key mqtt/certs/clients/example_user.key -t /world
  1. Manually publish a message:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 8883 -u example_user -P 'insecure' --cafile mqtt/certs/ca/ca.crt --cert mqtt/certs/clients/example_user.crt --key mqtt/certs/clients/example_user.key -m hello -t /world
  1. Verify that the subscriber prints out the hello message to the /world topic.