conda create --name tf-env python=3.8.6 tensorflow-gpu=2.2.0 scikit-learn pandas tqdm progressbar2 matplotlib openpyxl
To create an enviroment named tf-env, need to be executed once.
If we want to be able to run a jupyter notebook server we will need to run conda install --name tf-env jupyterlab
There are some batch files currently in our work folder
for downloading platessbatch-run-diagnose-all
for running the main project for the big plates foldersbatch-run-diagnose-few
for running the main project for the smaller folder of plates named "few"sbatch-notebook
for running a jupyter notebook server
In the sbatch files we can redefine various things like scripts' parameter, email notifications, etc.
In order to execute a job we need to do the following thing
sbatch <sbatch-file-name>
We can define a dependacy between excuting jobs like
sbatch --dependency=afterok:<other_job_id> <sbatch-file-name>
a possible usage for that is running with the big plate folder only after it was successfuly executed with the small folder -
At our lab we have a few "golden tickets" which will give us priority for nodes. We can use it wisely if we want to ran with less chance to be preempted.
sbatch --qos=assafzar <sbatch-file-name>
- Usage 1: without parameters, will run over the default big directory
- Usage 2: <working_folder>
will run over the given directory
- Usage 1:
will run over with the default big plate folder - option will be removed in the future - Usage 2: C:\plates
will run over C:\plates
Note: Currently the directory must contain the "csvs" folder from the downloader script
Generates output in the given directory in a folder named "results"
- Usage 1: <working_folder> -n <plate_amount>
- Usage 2: <working_folder> -l <plate_number1> <plate_number2> ...
- Usage 3: <working_folder> -n <plate_amount> -l <plate_number1> <plate_number2> ...
- Usage 1: C:\plates -n 5
will download 5 random plates from the available plates at the ftp server to C:\plates - Usage 2: C:\plates -l 26569 26572 25732
will download plates: 26569, 26572 and 25732 to C:\plates - Usage 3: C:\plates -n 2 -l 26569 26575 26574 26576
will download 2 random plates from the given plates' number to C:\plates
- Will download files that not already exists in the given folders
- With the "n" parameter, selects n plates randomly from the given list or from the ftp server
Generates three folders in the given directory
- tars: contain the raw tar.gz files of the plates
- extracted: the relevant files from the compressed files
- csvs: the relevant details for each plate in a csv file per plate, contain all the details for the cells from this plate.
- Usage: <csv_folder> <output_folder>
- Usage: C:\plates\csvs C:\plates\stats
will run over the plates' csv files in C:\plates\csvs and create their statistics in C:\plates\stats
- None
Currently generates:
- Excel file with each plates' statistics.
- Plot for every feature in each plate - will be replaced in the future