The Shortest Url

URL shortening service developed using Node.js and Express.js.

Before Running

There are a few things that have to be installed in the machine for the project to run correctly:

Once MySQL is installed, make sure to create a new database in the MySQL console with the command:

create database the_shortest_url;

Running The Project

After cloning the project with git clone, navigate to the cloned folder with:

cd the-shortest-url

Now that you're in the folder, install the project's dependencies with:

npm install

Once the installation is finished, update the environment variables in the .env file located in the root of the project. Default values are:


The project can now be executed with the command:

npm start

After running the execute command, you should see a message on the terminal saying: Server running on port 3000

Encode Route

The encode route is the POST request responsible for receiving the original url, storing it in the database and encoding it. This route requires a JSON on the body of the request with the following format:

  url: ""

Once you send the url, the API will return a shortened version of it as seen in the following image: Request made on Postman for the encode route

Decode Route

The decode route is the GET request responsible for receiving the shortened link, decoding it and searching the database for the original link. This route requires a JSON on the body of the request with the following format:

  url: ""

Once you send the url, the API will return the original version of it as seen in the following image: Request made on Postman for the decode route