
A lambda factory.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

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This is library that can be used to generate lambdas from method handles. This includes methods, constructors, field accessors (getter, setter, even for final fields) and any other MethodHandle that can be constructed.

How to use

Every available MethodHandle can be implemented by a functional interface. But only if the two method signatures match. Object types will be auto casted to the target type if possible, the same goes for boxing/unboxing of primitive types.

Non static methods will always take a extra parameter which represents the target object of the method. This is always the first parameter.

Note: Generating functions requires that you have access to the target class. In Java 9, this is even more important because the module your code is located in must be able to access the module of the target class, see MethodHandles#privateLookupIn for more info.

Generating method functions

Static setter method

Consider the following class which holds a static setter function.

class MyObject {
    private static void set(int value) {
        // ...

If you want to generate a function for the static set(int) method, you need to use a interface which takes one parameter (value) and return void to reflect the method signature. The IntConsumer is a good choice available within the Java 8 API.

class MyClass {
    void test() throws Exception {
        final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandlesX.privateLookupIn(MyObject.class, MethodHandles.lookup());
        final MethodHandle methodHandle = lookup.findStatic(MyObject.class, "set", MethodType.methodType(void.class, int.class));

        final IntConsumer setter = LmbdaFactory.create(LmbdaType.of(IntConsumer.class), methodHandle);

Setter method

Consider the following class which holds a setter function.

class MyObject {
    private void set(int value) {
        // ...

If you want to generate a function for the static set(int) method, you need to use a interface which takes two parameters:

  1. The target of where the method is declared, this will be the target object on which the method is invoked. E.g. target.set(value)
  2. The value that will be passed to the set method.

the first one is the target where the method is declared, MyObject (value) and return void to reflect the method signature. The ObjIntConsumer is a good choice available within the Java 8 API.

class MyClass {
    void test() throws Exception {
        final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandlesX.privateLookupIn(MyObject.class, MethodHandles.lookup());
        final MethodHandle methodHandle = lookup.findVirtual(MyObject.class, "set", MethodType.methodType(void.class, int.class));

        final ObjIntConsumer<MyObject> setter = LmbdaFactory.create(new LmbdaType<ObjIntConsumer<MyObject>>() {}, methodHandle);
        final MyObject myObject = new MyObject();
        setter.accept(myObject, 1000);


Below you can find a few benchmarks. lmbda will be generated at runtime, all the other ones are implemented manually. The generated structure of the lmbda is almost the same as the static_mh.

The following benchmark implements a lambda function to access a int field, a ToIntFunction is implemented in this case to avoid boxing/unboxing.

Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
IntGetterFieldBenchmark.dynamic_mh avgt 15 3.891 ± 0.450 ns/op
IntGetterFieldBenchmark.dynamic_reflect avgt 15 4.788 ± 0.205 ns/op
IntGetterFieldBenchmark.lmbda avgt 15 1.988 ± 0.061 ns/op
IntGetterFieldBenchmark.plain avgt 15 1.969 ± 0.049 ns/op
IntGetterFieldBenchmark.static_mh avgt 15 1.935 ± 0.021 ns/op
IntGetterFieldBenchmark.static_reflect avgt 15 3.912 ± 0.007 ns/op

This benchmark returns a Integer through the getValue method from a target object.

Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.dynamic_mh avgt 15 3.986 ± 0.088 ns/op
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.dynamic_reflect avgt 15 4.524 ± 0.028 ns/op
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.lambda avgt 15 1.986 ± 0.030 ns/op
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.lmbda avgt 15 1.977 ± 0.007 ns/op
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.plain avgt 15 2.032 ± 0.007 ns/op
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.proxy avgt 15 10.254 ± 0.196 ns/op
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.static_mh avgt 15 2.050 ± 0.085 ns/op
IntGetterMethodBenchmark.static_reflect avgt 15 4.668 ± 0.030 ns/op