
A dumb web service to solve algebraic expressions

Primary LanguageJava


A webservice to solve algebraic expressions

JSON format


  • Each operation is a JSON object (let's call it AlgebraNode from now on) composed of up to 4 parameters: type (enum), name (enum), op1 (AlgebraValue), op2 (AlgebraValue).
  • Operands op1 and op2 are represented using a JSON object (AlgebraValue) composed by a 2 required parameters: value and literal.
    • value parameter in AlgebraValue is an integer or string
    • the literal part is an array of JSON objects (LiteralPart).
      • LiteralPart object has two required parameters: value (string) and exponent (integer).
  • An AlgebraNode type can be one of the following strings: "plus", "minus", "multiply", "divide" or "function" (case insensitive).
    • If type is different than "function" then both op1 and op2 are required and must be either an AlgebraNode or ValueNode object. Otherwise, depending on the function, only op1 or both op1 and op2 are required.
    • When AlgebraNode type is "function" an optional "name" parameter is required. At this point, the name parameter can either be "abs" or "sizeof".
    • sizeOf() function can work only on one operand that is an AlgebraValue with a string type value.
    • abs() function can work only on one operand that is an AlgebraValue with an integer type value (literals are allowed).


  • (2*2a^2) + sizeof("hello")
    "type": "plus",
    "op1": {
        "type": "multiply",
        "op1": {
            "type": "plus",
            "op1": {
                "value": "2",
                "literal": []
            "op2": {
                "value": "2",
                "literal": [
                        "value": "a",
                        "exponent": 2
    "op2": {
        "type": "function",
        "name": "sizeof",
        "op1": {
            "value": "hello",
            "literal": []

More examples can be found here

Build and deploy

In order to build and deploy the webservice use the following command: gradlew -PhttpPort=8888 appRunWar

The appRunWar task will take care compiling a war file and deploying in a Tomcat9 instance accessible from http://localhost:PORT

If you are only interested in building a war file use the command: gradlew war. The output war can be found in the build/libs folder.

How to use

  1. Send a post request following the proposed specification at http://localhost:PORT/algebra/solver. The body of the request must contain the JSON object representing the algebraic exprassion you wish to solve.
  2. Read the response of the server (the body is a JSON object represeting the result of the algebraic expression)