
A poor man's endless runner game with a low poly style

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Planet Escape

Planet Escape is a game developed as the final project of the Interactive Graphics course held at Sapienza University.
Planet Escape is an endless runner type of game with a low-poly style.
The goal is to dodge/destroy the enemies that you, as a spaceship, will encounter along the way and to go as far as possible to establish your record. At the same time, you will have to manage your spaceship's energy to prevent it from going dry and so losing.

Full report can be found here

How to play

To play the game you may use the following link (Chromium-based browser are recommended in order to obtain better performance).

If you want to play it locally you need to use a server to deliver the files and prevent CORS errors.
Linux users may use the provided "start_server.rc" script that will automatically start a server on "".
Otherwise you can put in windows/MacOS terminal the following command:

python3 -m http.server 8000 --bind

Note that Python 3 is required to execute the server.