Tun Sie die Zertifikate!
TunSie is a webApp for automate the replication of certificates, ending with the manual work necessary to create the same certificate to a lot of people.
With a base SVG model of your certificate, you're able to replace the tags in the certificate's text with valid information!
Clone the repository using HTTPS
git clone https://github.com/leoschet/tun-Sie.git
or using SSH
git clone git@github.com:leoschet/tun-Sie.git
Navigate to tun-Sie folder and execute the following commands in order to install dependencies and run TunSie:
npm install
node app.js
TunSie will be running on localhost:3700. Now you are able to set the base model of your certificate, the list of participants and generate the certificates with passed informations.
TODO: Write this section
You are free for contribute with the project, fork it and start coding!
- Tag replacing (OK)
- Dinamically get the position to adjust the text
- Validate the use of tspan (only auto-wrap the text if tspan exists)
- Validate Tag-replacing fields (check if its blank)
- Validate SVG load (check if its loaded)
- User-friendly interface
- Dinamically SVG set
- Dinamically Tag-replacing fields (set the tags and the information in runtime)
- PDF download option