
A Squeak/Smalltalk-based programming environment and framework that supports low-effort construction of graphical tools by employing a data-driven perspective and a script-based programming model.

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT


A programming environment and framework that supports interactive, data-driven, scriptable construction of graphical tools with low effort. It is implemented in Squeak/Smalltalk.

##How to Install Build Status

  1. Get Squeak 4.6 or later with a recent CogVM for your operating system.
  2. If not already integrated, load Metacello. Learn how it works.
  3. Finally, load VIVIDE into your Squeak image:
Metacello new
  baseline: 'Vivide';
  repository: 'github://hpi-swa/vivide/repository';

Then, create and enter a new animated Morphic project. There, your can open Vivide with VivideLight open.

See FAQ for further information.

##Latest Stable Build Try Now

You can download a Squeak/Smalltalk image with the latest working version of Vivide pre-installed from here. Additionally, you may want to get the latest CogVM and sources file.



Here is a screencast about integrating information from Stack Overflow into the Squeak/Smalltalk programming environment using Vivide. I included it in my talk at the Onward'14 conference:


Here is a screencast about creating tools for context-oriented programming, which I showed at the COP'14 workshop:


Here is a recent screencast about how to create a browser for GitHub issues, which I showed at the FutureSOC'14 symposium:


Here is an older screencast about how to create a code browser and modify its appearance to reveal more or different information:



We are very thankful for any feedback in the form of bug reports, discussions, or even custom applications. Vivide is mainly developed by Marcel Taeumel in context of his PhD thesis. To date, the following people also contributed to this project:

Pavel Belskiy, Lars Blumberg, Thomas Bünger, Conrad Calmez, Falco Duersch, Tim Felgentreff, Maxi Fischer, Dustin Glaeser, Anne Gropler, Eva-Maria Herbst, Hubert Hesse, Robert Hirschfeld, Johannes Koch, Simon Krogmann, Sebastian Kruse, Jens Lincke, Thorben Lindhauer, Roland Lux, Tobias Mohr, Christoph Neijenhuis, Fabio Niephaus, Phillipp Otto, Philipp Otto, Tobias Pape, Tobias Pfeiffer, Stephanie Platz, Jan Rehwaldt, Patrick Rein, Jakob Reschke, Oliver Richter, Marko Röder, Robin Schreiber, Leonhard Schweizer, Benjamin Siegmund, Sebastian Stamm, Tobias Stengel, Karsten Tausche, Lauritz Thamsen, Juliane Waack, Florian Wagner, Daniel Werner, Sebastian Woinar