
Template Code for a Rest API in the Java language with Spring Framework and Gradle.

Primary LanguageJava

TemplateCode - Java - Spring - Rest API

Author: Leonardo Simões

Template Code for a Rest API in the Java language with Spring Framework and Gradle. The API has two resources: MainResource and AssociatedResource.

Development steps

The project development steps were:

  1. Create project (in IntelliJ) with:
  • Java language (17);
  • Spring Framework (6.2.3);
  • Dependencies: Web, DevTools, Lombok, JPA, H2 and Validation.


  1. Change the start of the Run screen with custom text (or image):
  • format the desired text using https://springhow.com/spring-boot-banner-generator/ and download banner.txt;


  • place the banner.txt file in src/main/resources (or another path);
  • (optional) add ${spring.application.name} and Spring Boot ${spring-boot.formatted-version} in banner.txt;
  • (optional) configure the banner.txt file path in application.properties:
    • spring.banner.location=classpath:/banner.txt.
  1. Configure the H2 database:
  • In build.gradle configure according to the desired type of use:
  • implementation 'com.h2database:h2';
  • runtimeOnly 'com.h2database:h2';
  • testImplementation 'com.h2database:h2';
  • In application.properties:
# ======================================================
#               APPLICATION
# ======================================================
# spring.banner.location=classpath:/banner.txt
# ======================================================
#               DATASOURCE - H2 DATABASE
# ======================================================


  • test access to the H2 console at http://localhost:8080/h2/:



  • By default, the usename would be "sa" and the password "", and the h2 console would be disabled.
  1. Create AssociatedEntity class:
  • in the entities package;
  • with attributes UUID id, String name;
  • corresponding to the table named ASSOCIATEDS.
  1. Create MainEntity class:
  • in the entities package;
  • with UUID id, String name, String description and AssociatedEntity associated attributes;
  • corresponding to the table named MAINS.


Note: When creating classes that represent database entities:

  • annotate them with @Entity, @Table(name="...") to map entity;
  • annotate them with @Data, @Builder, @NoArgsConstructor, @AllArgsConstructor to use Lombok;
  • add attribute UUID id annotated with @Id and @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.UUID);
  • configure relationships with @ManyToOne, @OneToMany or @OneToOne in attributes that are objects;
  • configure the other columns with @Column and perhaps some validator like @NotBlank or @NotNull;
  • log into the H2 console and check if the tables were created correctly:


  1. Create tables from SQL script (not from Hibernate):
  • run the application with spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop in application.properties;
  • execute the command SCRIPT or (SCRIPT TO 'D:/schema.sql') to obtain SQL code for creating tables;
  • place the content of the previous step in src/main/resources/schema.sql;
  • run the application with spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=none and spring.jpa.defer-datasource-initialization=true in application.properties;
# spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop
  • (optional) configure the schema.sql file path in application.properties:
    • spring.sql.init.schema-locations=classpath:/schema.sql.


  1. Create AssociatedRepository and MainRepository interfaces:
  • in the repositories package;
  • annotated with @Repository;
  • extends JPARepository;
  • have declaration of the methods Boolean existsByNameEqualsIgnoreCase(String name) and Optional<MainEntity> findByNameEqualsIgnoreCase(String name);.


  1. Create dtos classes AssociatedPayload and MainPayload:
  • in the dtos package;
  • annotated with @Data, @Builder, @NoArgsConstructor, @AllArgsConstructor to use Lombok;


  1. Create mappers between dtos classes ("payloads") and entities classes ("entities"):
  • add addons in build.gradle:
// compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
implementation 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
implementation 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct:1.5.5.Final'
annotationProcessor 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:1.5.5.Final'
testAnnotationProcessor 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:1.5.5.Final'
implementation 'org.projectlombok:lombok-mapstruct-binding:0.2.0'
  • create the AssociatedMapper and MainMapper interfaces:
    • in the mappers package;
    • annotated with @Mapper;
    • with INSTANCE attribute;
    • with 4 methods for conversions between entity and payload, and between list of entities and list of payloads;
    • MainMapper has two helper methods:
      • default AssociatedEntity toAssociated(MainPayload payload);
      • default String map(AssociatedEntity associatedEntity);


  1. Create Services layer:
  • in the services package;
  • add MainService and AssociatedService interfaces;
  • add MainServiceImpl and AssociatedServiceImpl classes:
    • annotated with @Service;
    • implement the interfaces;
    • have the mapper and repository(ies) of the entity(ies);
    • have a constructor with all attributes and annotated with @Autowired;
  • the methods must be create, getByName, getAll, update and deleteByName;


  1. Create Controllers layer:
  • in the controllers package;
  • add MainController and AssociatedController classes:
    • annotated with @RestController and @RequestMapping("api/v1/...");
    • have a constructor with an attribute and annotated with @Autowired;
    • methods must be create, getByName, getAll, update and deleteByName.


  1. Create Exceptions:
  • in the exceptions package;
  • with names AssociatedNotFoundException, MainNotFoundException and AssociatedNameAlreadyRegisteredException MainNameAlreadyRegisteredException;
  • inherit from RuntimeException;
  • have a constructor with argument String message and another with String message, Throwable cause as arguments;
  • use them instead of RunTimeException in Services implementations.
  1. Create ResourcesControllerAdvice class:
  • in the exceptions package;
  • annotated with @RestControllerAdvice;
  • the methods:
    • annotated with @ExceptionHandler, and receives some exception;
    • has names starting with "handle";
    • return ResponseEntity<String>.



Spring - Guides - Tutorials - Building REST services with Spring: https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/rest

Baeldung - Rest with Spring Series: https://www.baeldung.com/rest-with-spring-series

Baeldung - Spring Boot With H2 Database: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-h2-database

Baeldung - Quick Guide on Loading Initial Data with Spring Boot: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-data-sql-and-schema-sql

DZone - That’s How You Can Use MapStruct With Lombok in Your Spring Boot Application: https://dzone.com/articles/thats-why-you-need-to-use-mapstruct-in-your-spring