V4H Client API - Example

Methods details of client API.

v4h.login(username, password):

Method used to login into the rest api, this method needs an username and a password to make the authentication. Once authentiaction process is fineshed, the client will recieve an access token and refresh token.

Input parameters:

  • username (string):
  • password (string):


  • acess Token
  • refresh token


Method used to login into the rest api with the access token. This method return an ok message.

Input parameters:

  • refresh token


  • ok


Method used to renew your access token using the refresh token, because the access token expires 5 minutes after it has created.

Input parameters:

  • refreshToken


  • access token

v4h.requestConference( [optional] sessionId):

Method used to request a conference, this function doesn't need any arguments and the method return conference session id.

Input parameters:

  • none


  • sessionId

v4h.startConference(sessionID, html_parentNode, width, height, name, avatar_url):

Method used to start the conference using the session id to identify the conference. This function needs a html_parentNode to put v4h video conference into the client web page.

Input parameters:

  • sessionId
  • html_pa*__*rentNode
  • width
  • heigth
  • name
  • avatar_url


  • ok

v4h.joinConference(sessionId, html_parentNode, width, height, name, avatar_url):

Method used to join the video conference using the session id to identify the conference. This function also needs a html_parentNode to put v4h video conference into the client web page.

Input parameters:

  • sessioniId
  • html_parentNode
  • width
  • heigth
  • name
  • avatar_url


  • ok


Method used to register a callback function to execute when the video conference is over.

Input parameters:

  • func callback


  • ok


Method used to get conference details using the session id, this method returns sessionId, owner, created, endend, state, urlStorage, hash, hashType, DLTId, DLTType.

Input parameters:

  • sessionId


  • conference details (Json)

v4h.getGuestUrl(sessionId, name, avatar_url):

Method used to get conference url link with token.

Input parameters:

  • sessionId
  • name
  • avatar_url

Response (Json):

  • jwt
  • url

Jitsi Meet API

You are allowed to use all methods of Jitsi Meet API using the object v4h_api.jApi, you can find all you need in this link.