
Go library for controlling Luxafor LED lights

Primary LanguageGo



A simple library to control the Luxafor Flag.


For rainbow radness

go get -v -u  github.com/leosunmo/goluxafor/example/rainbow

Quick 'n dirty CLI

go get -v -u github.com/leosunmo/goluxafor/example/luxcli

$ luxcli red
$ luxcli green
$ luxcli off


package main

import (

func main() {
	luxafor := goluxafor.NewLuxafor()
	luxafor.Pattern(goluxafor.Pattern8, 0)




  • goluxafor.LedAll - All LEDs
  • goluxafor.LedA - Back side
  • goluxafor.LedB - Flag side
  • goluxafor.Led1 - Lower flag
  • goluxafor.Led2 - Middle flag
  • goluxafor.Led3 - Top flag
  • goluxafor.Led4 - Lower back
  • goluxafor.Led5 - Middle back
  • goluxafor.Led6 - Top back

Static colours and fade

Set whole flag to red colour and set fadeTime to a non-zero value up to 255 to control the fade speed.

luxafor.Colour(goluxafor.ledAll, 255, 0, 0, fadeTime)

Also works for individual LEDs.


Strobe can be set on individual LEDs, sides or all.

Set strobe frequency with speed and number of repeats with repeat, 0 is forever.

luxafor.Strobe(goluxafor.LedAll, randomColour(), randomColour(), randomColour(), speed, repeat)


Wave is executed on the whole flag and has 5 different wave patterns.

Set wave change speed with speed and number of repetitions with repeat, 0 is forever.

luxafor.Wave(goluxafor.Wave2, randomColour(), randomColour(), randomColour(), speed, repeat)


Patterns are pre-programmed patterns on the device itself that are executed on all LEDs.

You can only specify the pattern type and repeat. Again, 0 will loop the pattern forever.

luxafor.Pattern(goluxafor.Pattern5, 0) // Loop police lights forever


  • goluxafor.Pattern1 - Traffic lights
  • goluxafor.Pattern2 - Colour walk
  • goluxafor.Pattern3 - Random pattern
  • goluxafor.Pattern4 - Random fading pattern
  • goluxafor.Pattern5 - Police pattern
  • goluxafor.Pattern6 - Random quick fade pattern
  • goluxafor.Pattern7 - Colourful police pattern
  • goluxafor.Pattern8 - Quick rainbow pattern


GoLuxafor uses karalabe/hid (which uses hidapi) which seems to be the only popular HID USB library that works on MacOS. It avoids "claiming" the USB device as the Darwin kernel automatically claims it when plugged in. This'll give you a "permission denied" error unless you avoid the claim call and simply send bytes to it anyway.

This could potentially cause some flaky behaviour (especially if you're running multiple Luxafor applications) but I have yet to encounter anything major since it's a fairly simple device.