webnote-b2l live app

Build to Learn Project (Chingu-FreeCodeCamp)


  • @smhrjn
  • @leovcunha

Folder Structure

  • buildScripts >javascript to create distribution bundle

  • config >configuration for server and database

  • dist >webpack generated distribution folder

  • server

    1. models
    2. router
  • src

    1. api
    2. components
    3. css
    4. router
    5. vendor >bundle vendor modules in separate bundle

npm scripts

  • start development server npm start
     node app.js // runs app in development mode
  • create distribution bundle npm run build

npm packages


  • axios >promise baset HTTP client for browser and node
  • body-parser >parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available under the req.body property
  • express >fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node
  • mongoose >a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment
  • vue >a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web
  • vue-router >official router for Vue.js
  • bcrypt >hash and salt for storing user password in db
  • json web token

    session handling

Development Dependencies

  • babel-cli >cli for Babel, a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript

  • babel-core >javascript compiler

  • babel-loader >webpack plugin for Babel

  • babel-preset-es2015 >Babel presets for all es2015 plugins

  • babel-register >use Babel through the require hook. The require hook will bind itself to node's require and automatically compile files on the fly.

  • cross-env >run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms

  • eslint-modules

    1. eslint >fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript

    2. eslint-config-google >shareable config for the Google JavaScript style guide

    3. eslint-plugin-html >extract and lint scripts from HTML files

  • morgan >HTTP request logger middleware

  • rimraf >rm -rf util for nodejs

  • style-modules

    1. node-sass >allows to natively compile .scss files to css at incredible speed and automatically via a connect middleware

    2. sass-loader >compile SASS to CSS

    3. style-loader >inject CSS to DOM by injecting style tag

  • vue-modules

    1. vue-loader >Vue.js components loader

    2. vue-template-compiler >pre-compile Vue 2.0 templates into render functions to avoid runtime-compilation overhead and CSP restrictions

  • webpack-modules

    1. webpack >modules bundler

    2. copy-webpack-plugin >copy files and directories

    3. extract-text-webpack-plugin >extract text from bundle to a file

    4. html-webpack-plugin >simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles

    5. webpack-dev-middleware >dev middleware for webpack, which arguments a live bundle to a directory

    6. webpack-dev-server >serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes

    7. webpack-md5-hash >replace a standard webpack chunkhash with md5


  • integrate webpack
  • test vue integration
  • include mongodb local server
  • improve mongoose schema