Website for the visualization of data on the Covid-19 pandemic around the world in graphic form. Data taken from the Our World in Data dataset.
You can clone this repsitory to get the source code
git clone
- You need to have already installed the MongoDB database Tools. You can find the steps to install it in the following link:
- You need the data.json and the expandDB.js files that you can find in the database_setup folder.
You can use the CreateDB.bat file that is included with the project. When you run it you will see
you need to have installed the MongoDB Database Tools
Presione una tecla para continuar . . .
If you already have the MongoDB database Tools instaled just press any key and continue with the process.
- Open a console and navigate to the data.json file location.
- In the following line, replace the < db > with the name of you database
The command
mongoimport --db < db > --collection Countries \ --drop --file "data.json"
- Execute the command (and see the magic).
Now, in the expandDB.js you need to replace your database URI and NAME.
And for last, you need to open a console and navigate to the expandDB.js, next open a mongoshell and execute the command
Install dependencies
npm install
Run the application
npm start
- Leonardo Aguilera - leoar0810
- Leonardo Lizcano - LeoLizc
- Leonardo Vergara - leovergaramarq