
Backend Amazon clone.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Basic REST API to simulate Amazon users, productds, product reviews and purchases.

Built With

Getting Started

You can clone this repsitory to get the source code

git clone https://github.com/leovergaramarq/amazon-clone.git

On the project root directory, run

npm start

This will start your server on port 3000


All of the next endpoints start with /v1.


Method + Enpoint Resource JSON Body Fields Authorization
POST /auth/signup Sign Up username, email, password, name, location (optional)
POST /auth/login Login username/email, password


Method + Enpoint Resource JSON Body Fields Authorization
GET /users Get all users
GET /users/:id Get user by id
POST /users Create user username, email, password, name, location (optional)
PUT /users/:id Update user by id (at least one) username, email, password, name, location X
DELETE /users/:id Delete user by id X
GET /users/:id/reviews Get reviews from user by id
GET /users/:id/reviews/:id Get review by id from user by id
GET /users/:id/products Get products from user by id
GET /users/:id/products/:id Get product by id from user by id
GET /users/:id/purchases Get purchases from user by id
GET /users/:id/purchases/:id Get purchase by id from user by id


Method + Enpoint Resource JSON Body Fields Authorization
GET /products Get all products
GET /products/:id Get product by id
POST /products Create product name, category (id or name (can be new)), description, price, stock (optional) X
PUT /products/:id Update product by id (at least one) name, description, price, stock, category (id or name (can be new)) X
DELETE /products/:id Delete product by id X
GET /products/:id/reviews Get reviews about product by id
GET /products/:id/reviews/:id Get review by id about product by id


Method + Enpoint Resource JSON Body Fields Authorization
GET /reviews Get all reviews
GET /reviews/:id Get review by id
POST /reviews Create review title, description, product (id) X
DELETE /reviews/:id Delete review by id X


Method + Enpoint Resource JSON Body Fields Authorization
GET /categories Get all categories
GET /categories/:id Get category by id
POST /categories Create category name X
PUT /categories/:id Update category name name X
DELETE /categories/:id Delete category by id X


Method + Enpoint Resource JSON Body Fields Authorization
GET /cart Get user shopping cart X
POST /cart Add product to cart product (id), quantity X
DELETE /cart/:id Remove product from cart X


Method + Enpoint Resource JSON Body Fields Authorization
GET /purchases Get all purchases
GET /purchases/:id Get purchase by id
POST /purchases Make purchase based on user shopping cart X
