
Derivatives calculator using Taylor Series method. This project is part of the Soluciones Computacionales class at Universidad del Norte.

Derivatives using Taylor Series

This MATLAB application calculates the derivative at a specified point using:

  1. x values - The points at which the function is evaluated.
  2. f values or a function - The corresponding function values or the function itself.
  3. h (tolerance or precision) - The step size used to approximate the derivative.

Application built using MATLAB's App Designer and requires the Symbolic Math Toolbox.


Before running this program, ensure you have the following installed:

  • MATLAB (R2021a or later recommended)
  • Symbolic Math Toolbox (required for symbolic computations)

Installing the Symbolic Math Toolbox

  1. Go to the Home tab in MATLAB.
  2. Click on Add-Ons and search for "Symbolic Math Toolbox".
  3. Click Install to add it to your MATLAB installation.

Getting Started

  1. Clone repository.

    git clone https://github.com/leovergaramarq/derivatives_using_taylor_series.git
  2. In MATLAB, from the Home tab, click Open and browse the derivative_calculator.mlapp file.

    Alternatively, you can double-click the derivative_calculator.mlapp file in your file explorer and open it with with MATLAB.

  3. Run the application by clicking the Run button in the App Designer.

  4. In the application interface:

    1. Input the x values.
    2. Input the f values (or select the function if applicable).
    3. Specify the value of h (precision).
    4. Specify the derivative order.
    5. Indicate the point around which to find the derivative.
    6. Click Go to compute the derivative at the specified point.