Fascinated by the process of self-development, always looking for strategies that can contribute to my professional and personal growth.
Pulse Software House | Grupo MateusSão Luis - MA
leoviana00's Following
- anaacoutoPulse
- Azure-SamplesRedmond, WA
- AzureMentor
- badtuxx
- cloudacademySan Francisco, CA
- danielfm@jusbrasil
- Day-bccAvanade
- DeekshithSNBengaluru
- DennerAC
- dilsonjlrjrPulse | Grupo Mateus
- eneves-eth0
- fsainovich
- Gunthersuper
- kamuridesuPulse Software House
- karinaerikads-zzMaranhão
- kenerry-serainCaylent
- kodekloudhub
- kubernetes
- kubernetes-sigs
- leodevopscloud
- leonardoromao08
- lucab85@RedHatOfficial
- MarceloAzevSão Luís MA
- mattmattox@rancher
- mmumshadSingapore
- mouradev1MA
- pavanbelagattiSingleStore
- rancher
- ronaldomaximus
- ruanbekkerBVNK
- rubenmarcus@Mintbase
- snigdhasambitakTravix International
- techiescampTechiescamp by DevOpscube
- tldr-devops
- turriniUm de Um
- wesleywilliansFull Cycle