
Solver for linear programming problems

Primary LanguageC


Solver for linear programming problems

How to create a model?

1º line:

  • Specify whether to minimize "min" or maximize "max";
  • Enter the objective function. Passing "<var>=" and separating the monomials with a comma;
  • E.g.: maximize z = 2*a - 4*b + 5*c + 3.6*d
    • Must be: max, a=2, b=-4, c=5, d=3.6

nº line:

  • Enter one constraint per row;
  • Each constraint must be in the following model:
    • "<var>=<coefficient>", ..., "<relational-operator>", "<value>";
    • Since "<relational-operator>" is an element of {>, <, =, >=, <=}.
  • E.g.: -0.3*a + 7*b - 0.5*c + 0.4*d <= 40
    • Must be: a=-0.3, b=7, c=-0.5, d=0.4, <=, 40