
Primary LanguageJavaScript

easymove coding test

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Prerequisite: Need to have docker and docker-compose ](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) installed on system.

Prerequisite: Need Google Maps API key to compute shortest route.

First, edit docker-compose.yaml to modify the environment variable GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY, change it to a valid Google Maps API key.

Then, run docker-compose up to spin up a fully functional HTTP endpoint.

For endpoint specification, please refer to the original challenge specification.

To spin up more workers, run docker-compose up --scale worker=3, feel free to set 3 to any positive numbers you want.


You can utilize the scripts in package.json to further develop this project.

  • To run test, run npm run test.
  • To lint code, run npm run lint.
  • To run coverage, run npm run coverage and check the generated coverage/lcov-report directory.
  • To watch file changes and restart automatically, run npm run dev
  • To watch file changes and run test automatically, run npm run test-watch

To avoid inconsistent development environment, you are recommended to do development with docker and docker-compose on Ubuntu.

To start development, simplily run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.dev.yaml up to spin up the development environment. You may edit docker-compose.dev.yaml to run different scripts.

To run end to end test, simplily run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.e2e.yaml up to spin up the end to end test environment.