
A tiny RESTfull API for opening an old intercom that has to emulate reciever pick-up and after setupable delay closing the physical gate circuit.

Primary LanguageC++


A tiny RESTfull API for opening an old intercom that has to emulate reciever pick-up and after setupable delay closing the physical gate circuit.



  • make a fritzing schematic

  • find out the current going through the phycisal gate circuit when opening the gate

  • post photos of the intercom circuit

  • json config load (arduinoJson6)

    • try the official example way with a struct Config ?
    • find Guy with the Swedish Accent's approach with ArduinoJson5 and see how to pin the lib in platformio.ini
  • if that doesn't work - fallback to either arduinoJson5 or line parsing a text file

  • create a user at my http server for OTA

  • OTA

AFTER 1st working version:

  • HTTPS letsenrypt → for PUT on /config
  • multi WiFi credentials
  • GitLab CI/CD integration (Docker)
  • Authentication for sensitive endpoints (or all? - configurable)

REST End-points:

  • GET: /open or /o > get method for easier cli integration like so: curl
  • GET: /health or /h
  • PUT: /delay_ms?t=500
  • PUT: /pulse_length_ms?t=500
  • GET: /restart
  • PUT: /OTA/address?a="http://lepi.pl/OTA/RPLUS-intercom"
  • GET: /OTA/reload > check for updates at address
  • GET: /config → json with config but only https and with AUTHENTICATION


  • resistors: 2x 1kohm [min.500ohm (over 1kohm doesn't close the relay) (12mA per pin on Wemos)]
  • transistors: 2x CTBC 547B JS (I hope they're not running JavaScript xD)
  • 2x relay RZ2 G4,5 ITT West Germany (>29 yrs old)
  • micro-usb power supply