Testing Python Backend

Getting Started

Python version

Currently testing on Python 3.12.7.


pip install -r requirements.txt

Run command

Development mode:

fastapi dev src/main.py

Production mode:

fastapi run src/main.py

API descriptions


Upload a zip file to server.

Input: the .zip file itself.

Raise an HTTPException(400) if:

  • File extension isn't .zip
  • Cannot extract with zipfile library. Probably corrupted content or the file is encrypted with password.

Example JSON response:

    "message": f"File extracted to {extract_path}",
    "folder_tree": {
        "name": <root_folder>,
        "ext": ".",
        "children": [
            { "name": "file_1.png", "ext": ".png", "children": [] },
            { "name": "another_folder", "ext": ".", "children": [...] },
                "name": "file_2.png",
                "ext": ".py",
                "children": {
                    "func_1": {
                        "id": "123",
                        "type": "function",
                        "first": 1,
                        "last": 6,
                        "children": {},
                    "class_2": {
                        "id": "456",
                        "type": "class",
                        "first": 7,
                        "last": 10,
                        "children": {
                            "__init__": {
                                "id": "789",
                                "type": "class:method",
                                "first": 8,
                                "last": 10,
                                "children": {}

NOTE that a .py file has its own structure (dictionary) to reach all of its internal classes, methods and functions!


Get folder_tree from a repo (required to be uploaded as zip in advance).

Input: repo_name as a string.

Raise an HTTPException(404) if not found.

JSON Response: the same as folder_tree in /upload_zip/ response.


Get a file from a repo (required to be uploaded as zip before).

Input: repo_name and file_name as strings.

Raise an HTTPException(404) if not found.

Return value is the file itself (FileResponse).


Automatically generate unit tests for a repo.

NOTE that this is just a temporary test generation method and will be deprecated soon.

Input: repo_name as a string.

Raise an:

  • HTTPException(404) if repo cannot be found.
  • HTTPException(400) if Pynguin failed to generate tests (usually because of syntax error).

Return value is the zip file containing the generated tests.