A Yeoman generator for a Feathers application
First you need install yeoman.
npm install -g yo
Then install the feathers generator.
npm install -g yo generator-feathers
Create a directory for your new app.
mkdir my-new-app; cd my-new-app/
Generate your app and follow the prompts.
yo feathers
Start your brand new app! 💥
npm start
# short alias for generate new application
yo feathers
# generate new application
yo feathers:app
# generate new hook
yo feathers:hook
# generate new middleware
yo feathers:middleware
# generate new model
yo feathers:model
# generate new service
yo feathers:service
To contribute PRs for these generators, you will need to clone the repo
then inside the repo's directory, run npm link
. This sets up a global
link to your local package for running tests (npm test
) and generating
new feathers apps/services/hooks/etc.
When finished testing, optionally run npm uninstall generator-feathers
to remove
the link.
- adding
config option to generator
- updating to feathers-authentication@0.7.0
- automatically setting
- adding
hook to user service
- adding middleware generation
- adding auth hooks
- moving to AST instead of Regex
- a bunch of bug fixes and improvements
- bug fixes and improvements
- making nedb the default db
- updating error handler
- removing a bunch of boilerplate
- sorting out hook path and inclusion
- changing directory structure
- cors
- basic local auth
- ability to select dbs
- Initial release
Copyright (c) 2015
Licensed under the MIT license.