
OpenObject/OpenERP Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) using the Gherkin syntax

Primary LanguagePython


These instructions target a Debian Squeeze system.

Python 2.6 is required (2.7 is supported too). It is recommended to work from a virtualenv (see below).

(0) Prerequisites

$ aptitude install virtualenvwrapper
$ aptitude install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libpq-dev
$ aptitude install libjpeg62-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libyaml-dev
$ aptitude install bzr ghostscript graphviz postgresql-client
$ mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

(Optionally) declare a shared location for installed eggs:

$ mkdir -p ~/.buildout/eggs
$ vim ~/.buildout/default.cfg

   eggs-directory = <your_home_dir>/.buildout/eggs

Then logout and login (to activate the virtualenvwrapper scripts).

(0) Database setup

$ aptitude install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-contrib-9.1
$ sudo -u postgres createuser --login --createdb \
>      --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt openerp
# Enter password 'openerp' for this user

If PostgreSQL is already installed on a separate server, adapt this step.

(1) Virtualenv setup

$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.6 --no-site-packages --setuptools oe
$ workon oe
$ pip install -U pip setuptools
$ pip install Babel
$ pip freeze

(2) OpenERP installation

$ git clone git://github.com/florentx/openobject-mirliton.git demo
$ cd demo
$ python bootstrap.py

(verify and tweak the configuration, see instructions below)

$ bin/buildout

(3) Run Tests

$ bin/behave

(4) Run OpenERP

$ bin/supervisord

$ bin/supervisorctl status
$ bin/supervisorctl help

Tweak the configuration

This is the content of the buildout:

  • (README.rst, bootstrap.py)
  • buildout.cfg (local conf)
  • etc/buildout-base.cfg (base conf for OpenERP)
  • etc/buildout-pinned.cfg (pin the required versions)
  • etc/erppeek.ini.in (template for ERPpeek conf)
  • etc/openerp-server.conf.default (default server conf, unused)
  • etc/openerp-server.conf.in (template for server conf)

Preferably, put the local configuration in 'buildout.cfg'. Then update and restart the server:

$ bin/buildout
$ bin/supervisorctl restart openerp
