
Torrent stream server

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Simple and powerful tool for streaming torrents.

GitHub Go Reference CodeFactor Build GitHub tag (latest SemVer pre-release)


TorrServer is a program that allows users to view torrents online without the need for preliminary file downloading. The core functionality of TorrServer includes caching torrents and subsequent data transfer via the HTTP protocol, allowing the cache size to be adjusted according to the system parameters and the user's internet connection speed.


  • Caching
  • Streaming
  • Local and Remote Server
  • Viewing torrents on various devices
  • Integration with other apps through API
  • Cross-browser modern web interface
  • Optional DLNA server

Getting Started


Download the application for the required platform in the releases page. After installation, open the link in the browser.


Run TorrServer-windows-amd64.exe.


Run in console

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YouROK/TorrServer/master/installTorrServerLinux.sh | sudo bash


Run in Terminal.app

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YouROK/TorrServer/master/installTorrServerMac.sh -o installTorrserverMac.sh && chmod 755 installTorrServerMac.sh && bash ./installTorrServerMac.sh

Alternative install script for Intel Macs: https://github.com/dancheskus/TorrServerMacInstaller

IOCage Plugin (Unofficial)

On FreeBSD (TrueNAS/FreeNAS) you can use this plugin: https://github.com/filka96/iocage-plugin-TorrServer

For NAS Systems (Unofficial)

Server args

  • --port PORT, -p PORT - web server port, default 8090
  • --ssl - enables https for web server
  • --sslport PORT - web server https port, default 8091. If not set, will be taken from db (if stored previously) or use default.
  • --sslcert PATH - path to ssl cert file. If not set, will be taken from db (if stored previously) or default self-signed certificate/key will be generated.
  • --sslkey PATH - path to ssl key file. If not set, will be taken from db (if stored previously) or default self-signed certificate/key will be generated.
  • --path PATH, -d PATH - database dir path
  • --logpath LOGPATH, -l LOGPATH - server log file path
  • --weblogpath WEBLOGPATH, -w WEBLOGPATH - web access log file path
  • --rdb, -r - start in read-only DB mode
  • --httpauth, -a - enable http auth on all requests
  • --dontkill, -k - don't kill server on signal
  • --ui, -u - open torrserver page in browser
  • --torrentsdir TORRENTSDIR, -t TORRENTSDIR - autoload torrents from dir
  • --torrentaddr TORRENTADDR - Torrent client address (format [IP]:PORT, ex. :32000, etc)
  • --pubipv4 PUBIPV4, -4 PUBIPV4 - set public IPv4 addr
  • --pubipv6 PUBIPV6, -6 PUBIPV6 - set public IPv6 addr
  • --searchwa, -s - allow search without authentication
  • --help, -h - display this help and exit
  • --version - display version and exit


TorrServer-darwin-arm64 [--port PORT] [--path PATH] [--logpath LOGPATH] [--weblogpath WEBLOGPATH] [--rdb] [--httpauth] [--dontkill] [--ui] [--torrentsdir TORRENTSDIR] [--torrentaddr TORRENTADDR] [--pubipv4 PUBIPV4] [--pubipv6 PUBIPV6] [--searchwa]

Running in Docker & Docker Compose

Run in console

docker run --rm -d --name torrserver -p 8090:8090 ghcr.io/yourok/torrserver:latest

For running in persistence mode, just mount volume to container by adding -v ~/ts:/opt/ts, where ~/ts folder path is just example, but you could use it anyway... Result example command:

docker run --rm -d --name torrserver -v ~/ts:/opt/ts -p 8090:8090 ghcr.io/yourok/torrserver:latest


  • TS_HTTPAUTH - 1, and place auth file into ~/ts/config folder for enabling basic auth
  • TS_RDB - if 1, then the enabling --rdb flag
  • TS_DONTKILL - if 1, then the enabling --dontkill flag
  • TS_PORT - for changind default port to 5555 (example), also u need to change -p 8090:8090 to -p 5555:5555 (example)
  • TS_CONF_PATH - for overriding torrserver config path inside container. Example /opt/tsss
  • TS_TORR_DIR - for overriding torrents directory. Example /opt/torr_files
  • TS_LOG_PATH - for overriding log path. Example /opt/torrserver.log

Example with full overrided command (on default values):

docker run --rm -d -e TS_PORT=5665 -e TS_DONTKILL=1 -e TS_HTTPAUTH=1 -e TS_RDB=1 -e TS_CONF_PATH=/opt/ts/config -e TS_LOG_PATH=/opt/ts/log -e TS_TORR_DIR=/opt/ts/torrents --name torrserver -v ~/ts:/opt/ts -p 5665:5665 ghcr.io/yourok/torrserver:latest

Docker Compose

# docker-compose.yml

version: '3.3'
        image: ghcr.io/yourok/torrserver
        container_name: torrserver
            - TS_PORT=5665
            - TS_DONTKILL=1
            - TS_HTTPAUTH=0
            - TS_CONF_PATH=/opt/ts/config
            - TS_TORR_DIR=/opt/ts/torrents
            - './CACHE:/opt/ts/torrents'
            - './CONFIG:/opt/ts/config'
            - '5665:5665'
        restart: unless-stopped

NAS releases


Synology NAS packages repo source: https://grigi.lt



  • Install Golang 1.20+
  • Go to the TorrServer source directory
  • Run build script under linux or macOS build-all.sh


  • Install npm and yarn
  • Go to the web directory
  • Run NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider yarn build


To build an Android server you will need the Android Toolchain.


swag must be installed on the system to [re]build Swagger documentation.

go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
cd server; swag init -g web/server.go

# Documentation can be linted using
swag fmt

MSX Install

Open msx and goto: Settings -> Start Parameter -> Setup

Enter current ip address and port of server e.g.


API Docs

API documentation is hosted as Swagger format available at path /swagger/index.html.

API Authentication

The user data file should be located near to the settings. Basic auth, read more in wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication.

accs.db in JSON format:

    "User1": "Pass1",
    "User2": "Pass2"

Whitelist/Blacklist IP

The lists file should be located in the same directory with config.db.

  • Whitelist file name: wip.txt
  • Blacklist file name: bip.txt

Whitelist has priority over everything else.


# at the beginning of the line, comment


Thanks to everyone who tested and helped