🎓 This is the sum of the efforts I am making on becoming an awesome data scientist
- albjoaov@QuintoAndar
- atmosmps@luizalabs
- brunagilBerlin
- carolsoaressantosSão Paulo, Brazil
- Claudio888Brotas - SP
- deckobirosca.mobi
- denylsonmeloIFPI - Instituto Federal do PiauÃ
- devwladInstituto de Pesquisas Eldorado
- dougfeltrim
- faabiosr@newstore
- frits8l
- gabicavalcante@vintasoftware
- gabrielfasNatal
- gehazibispowill Bank
- henriquemenezesRecife, Brazil
- jonatasbaldinBrazil
- josemalcherBrazil
- JoseRFJuniorLLMsPortugal
- junque1r4kwan.com
- Kamisama-DShanghai
- llucasreisMercado Livre
- marcostark@stone-payments
- marrcelo
- mellomaths@Wexinc
- miguelzinheBrazil
- missAnneThorpe
- nilberthsouza
- Ramoji
- rsarai@vintasoftware
- tcostamRecife, PE
- telesnathalia@lapig-ufg
- valeriocardosoHvar Consulting
- VictorSakae