
Learn about VIPER design pattern

Primary LanguageSwift


Learn about VIPER design


  • Responsable for user interface
  • Maybe you get confuse using ViewController but in this pattern ViewControllers be the view as part of VIPER.
  • We need a reference in the view to the presenter.


  • Responsable for the interactor with the app such as Core data services, Netwroking Services, etc
  • Should only have a reference to presenter.
  • Interactor's job is to more or less get data or perform type of interaction
  • When the interaction completed, interactor hand it to the presenter and then the presenter will take care of what to do with.


  • The glue that ties everything together
  • Has a reference to:
    • Interactor
    • Router
    • View
  • Needs to present the view and tell the view what to do.


  • Simple as a model which the app is going to show.
  • Doesn't have a reference to anything else.


  • Common in other patterns as well
  • Responsable of the navigation and route throughout the app.
  • Router can route within it's own module.
  • Doesn't have a reference to anything else.
  • The entry point for the module
  • Where the viper architecture starts.