Building a quick conversation-based search demo with Lepton AI.
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> python3 search_with_lepton.py
#86 opened by New-King - 2
it occur wrong when use npm run build, show useSearchParams() should be wrapped in a suspense boundary at page "/search"
#78 opened by BarryYin - 0
when I use npm run build, it throws the error that useSearchParams() should be wrapped in a suspense boundary at page "/search"
#98 opened by comi-zhang - 1
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Can not reply in other language
#92 opened by Khoa1309abc - 0
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openai.AuthenticationError: Unauthorized
#89 opened by watertianyi - 4
Why >lep login Failed???
#85 opened by New-King - 2
Why >lep login Failed???
#84 opened by New-King - 0
Good repository
#88 opened by MAFLIXD - 1
Why does the content accessed via domain name not have the streaming print output effect, while accessing via IP and port shows the print output effect?
#82 opened by tc0715888 - 0
How to obtain video references, for example, from YouTube videos and similar sources, such as Perplexity
#83 opened by veerbal1 - 5
RuntimeError: Directory 'ui' does not exist
#71 opened by mqd273 - 5
Frontend fails to fetch the backend request
#81 opened by Phil-U-U - 0
The SSL Verification error
#80 opened by yguo - 0
how to add a button to start new dialogue
#79 opened by fword - 2
lepton search client config gpt-4
#75 opened by mqd273 - 4
How to answer search results in Chinese!
#73 opened by tc0715888 - 2
APIError (API response code 404)
#76 opened by ng-fukgin - 1
I modified the information in the INDEX.html file under the UI folder, why is there no effect?
#74 opened by tc0715888 - 5
#62 opened by hsocr - 0
#72 opened by codetodamoon - 2
#69 opened by makelove - 1
#70 opened by maocaixia - 0
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Raise error "Exception in ASGI application..uvicorn.protocols.utils.ClientDisconnected" when asking questions in Chinese.
#66 opened by shinyke - 0
Remote deployment stuck at pulling image
#65 opened by mingming-chen - 1
backend cannot be SEARCHAPI
#63 opened by clfhaha1234 - 4
client-side exception has occurred
#47 opened by kalufinnle - 0
#61 opened by Miss-you - 1
Why need <INST>?
#60 opened by greedyint - 8
"Application error: a client-side exception has occurred" when rendering the answer
#51 opened by aspirinj - 0
How does the routing in the app work? When I add a new route, it renders plain text.
#59 opened by 619 - 1
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can not delete kv namespaces
#57 opened by seanxuu - 5
Can not delete a "blank" kv namespace
#54 opened by seanxuu - 2
Add brief & detail mode
#53 opened by bsbrother - 1
predict user next related search, or predict next question, to create a complete context chain
#56 opened by kyiree - 2
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为什么用 Base 模型可以实现 Chat 的效果?
#42 opened by SoYuCry - 1
Local deployment failed
#55 opened by seanxuu - 1
#45 opened by leeeex - 1
#48 opened by SoYuCry - 2
KV error
#50 opened by saintramsey - 2
failure in query
#44 opened by adrianhsm - 7
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LEPTON backend has no related result
#40 opened by shibing624 - 1
搜索结果只用了 url、title 和 snippet 吗?
#41 opened by miandai