
Nodejs TLD extract

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Coverage Status Version License Code style


Extract the TLD/domain/subdomain parts of an URL/hostname against mozilla TLDs official listing.


var parser = require('tld-extract');

console.log( parser("http://www.google.com") );
console.log( parser("http://google.co.uk") );
* >> { tld: 'com', domain: 'google.com', sub: 'www' }
* >> { tld: 'co.uk', domain: 'google.co.uk', sub: '' }

Private TLDs

Private TLDs are supported, see chromium source code for specs

console.log( parser("http://jeanlebon.cloudfront.net"));
* >> { tld : 'net', domain : 'cloudfront.net', sub : 'jeanlebon' };

console.log( parser("http://jeanlebon.cloudfront.net", {allowPrivateTLD : true}));
* >> { tld : 'cloudfront.net', domain : 'jeanlebon.cloudfront.net', sub : '' };

Unknown TLDs (level0)

By default, unknown TLD throw an exception, you can allow them and use tld-extract as a parser using the allowUnknownTLD option

    >> throws /Invalid TLD/

  parse("http://nowhere.local", {allowUnknownTLD : true}))
    >> { tld : 'local', domain : 'nowhere.local', sub : '' }


  • no dependencies
  • really fast
  • full code coverage
  • easy to read (10 lines)
  • easily updatable vs mozilla TLDs source list


You can update the remote hash table using npm run update

Not Invented Here

  • A port of a yks/PHP library

  • tldextract => bad API, (no need for async, "domain" property is wrong), no need for dependencies

  • tld => (nothing bad, a bit outdated )

  • tld.js => no sane way to prove/trust/update TLD listing
