Convert Mach-O Libraries & Frameworks to .tbd
Usage: tbd [-p/--path] [path-options] [file-paths] [-o/--output] [output-options] [output-paths]
Main options:
-h, --help, Print this message
-o, --output, Path to an output file (or directory for recursing/dyld_shared_cache files) to write converted tbd files.
If provided file(s) already exists, contents will be overridden.
Can also provide "stdout" to print to stdout
-p, --path, Path to a mach-o or dyld_shared_cache file to convert to a tbd file.
Can also provide "stdin" to use standard input.
-u, --usage, Print this message
Write options:
Usage: tbd -o [options] path
--preserve-subdirs, Preserve the sub-directories of where files were found
when recursing in relation to the actual provided recurse-path
--no-overwrite, Prevent overwriting of files when writing out
--replace-path-extension, Replace the path-extension(s) of provided file(s) when
writing out (Instead of simply appending .tbd)
--combine-tbds, Combine all tbds created (when recursing or with a dyld-shared-cache) into a
single .tbd file
Path options:
Usage: tbd [-p] [options] path
-r, --recurse, Specify directory to recurse and find all mach-o library and dyld_shared_cache images
Two modes exist for recursing:
once, Recurse only the top-level directory. This is the default mode for recursing
all, Recurse both the top-level directory and over all sub-directories
--macho, Specify that the file(s) provided should only be parsed
if the file is a mach-o file.
This option can be used to limit the filetypes parsed
while recursing
--dsc, Specify that the file(s) provided should only be parsed
if it is a dyld-shared-cache file.
Providing --macho or --dsc limits filetypes parsed when recursing
--filter-image-directory, Specify a directory to filter dyld_shared_cache images from
--filter-image-filename, Specify a filename to filter dyld_shared_cache images from
--filter-image-number, Specify the number of an dyld_shared_cache image to parse out.
To get the numbers of all available images, use the option --list-dsc-images
--image-path, Specify the path of an image to parse out.
To get the paths of all available images, use the option --list-dsc-images
-v, --version, Specify version of .tbd files to convert to (default is v2).
This applies to all files where tbd-version was not explicitly set.
To get a list of all available versions, look at the options below, or use
the option --list-tbd-versions
-v1, Set version of .tbd files to version v1.
-v2, Set version of .tbd files to version v2. (This is the default .tbd version)
-v3, Set version of .tbd files to version v3.
-v4, Set version of .tbd files to version v4.
Ignore options: (Subset of path options)
--ignore-clients, Ignore clients field
--ignore-compat-version, Ignore compatibility-version field
--ignore-current-version, Ignore current-version field
--ignore-flags, Ignore flags field
--ignore-objc-constraint, Ignore objc-constraint field
--ignore-parent-umbrellas, Ignore parent-umbrella field
--ignore-reexports, Ignore re-expotrs field
--ignore-swift-version, Ignore swift-version field
--ignore-undefineds, Ignore undefineds field
--ignore-uuids, Ignore uuids field
Symbol Ignore options: (Subset of path options)
--ignore-normal-syms, Ignore normal symbols
--ignore-objc-class-syms, Ignore objc-class symbols
--ignore-objc-ivar-syms, Ignore objc-ivar symbols
--ignore-objc-ehtype-syms, Ignore objc-ehtype symbols
--ignore-thread-local-syms, Ignore thread-local symbols
--ignore-weak-def-syms, Ignore weak-def symbols
General ignore options (Subset of path options):
--ignore-requests, Ignore any and all user requests
--ignore-warnings, Ignore any warnings
--ignore-wrong-filetype, Ignore any warnings about a mach-o file
having the wrong filetype
Symbol options: (Subset of path options)
--allow-private-objc-symbols, Allow all non-external objc-symbols (classes, ivars, and ehtypes)
--allow-private-objc-classes, Allow all non-external objc-classes
--allow-private-objc-ehtypes, Allow all non-external objc-ehtypes.
objc-ehtype symbols are only recognized for .tbd version v3 and above
--allow-private-objc-ivars, Allow all non-external objc-ivars
--use-export-trie, Use only the export-trie and not the symbol-table
--use-symbol-table, Use the symbol-table over the export-trie
Field options: (Subset of path options)
--replace-archs, Provide a list of architectures to replace the list found in the provided input file(s)
A list of architectures can be found by using option --list-architectures.
Replacing the list of architectures will automatically remove the uuids field.
In addition, each exported symbol will have the replaced list of architectures.
--replace-current-version, Provide a current-version to replace the one found in the provided input file(s)
--replace-compat-version, Provide a compatibility-version to replace the one found in the provided input file(s)
--replace-flags, Provide flag(s) to replace flags found for .tbd files.
This option is only supported for .tbd versions v2 (default version) and above.
A list of flags can be found by using option --list-tbd-flags
--replace-install-name, Provide an install-name to replace the one found in the provided input file(s)
--replace-objc-constraint, Provide an objc-constraint to replace the one found in the provided input file(s)
A list of objc-constraints can be found by using option --list-objc-constraints.
This option is only supported for .tbd versions v2 and v3.
All other .tbd versions do not support objc-constraint
--replace-platform, Provide a platform to replace the one found for in the provided input file(s)
--replace-swift-version, Provide a swift-version to replace the one found for in the provided input file(s)
--replace-targets, Provide a list of targets to replace the list found in the provided input file(s).
A target is in the form of arch-platform pair (ex. arm64-ios).
A list of architectures can be found by using option --list-architectures.
A list of platforms can be found by using option --list-platforms.
--replace-targets is only supported tbd-version v4
Ignore field warning options: (Subset of path options)
--ignore-missing-exports, Ignore error for when no symbols or reexpors to write out
are found
--ignore-missing-uuids, Ignore error for when uuids are not found
--ignore-non-unique-uuids, Ignore error for when uuids found are not unique among one another
List options:
--list-architectures, List all valid architectures for .tbd files.
Also able to list architectures of a single mach-o file from a provided path
--list-dsc-images, List all images of a dyld_shared_cache from a path to a single dyld_shared_cache file
One option exists for listing dsc-images:
Order image-paths alphabetically before printing them.
An image-path's listed number from the ordered list should not be provided
for option --filter-image-number
--list-objc-constraints, List all valid objc-constraints
--list-platforms, List all valid platforms
--list-tbd-flags, List all valid flags for .tbd files
--list-tbd-versions, List all valid versions for .tbd files