
Project Structure:

The project contains 3 main folders reflecting the backend, frontend and mobile app components.

  • Backend:

    • Having a src folder that contains the source code:
      • entities: (where we add database entity models)
        • appartment.entity file
      • routes: (where we add our endpoints routs)
        • appartments.routes file
      • service: (where we have the database access or login functions for our endpoints)
        • file
      • index.ts: (the start point of the application and managing how routes is being assigned to the routes files in the routes folder)
    • Database used is sqlite
    • Database connection and accessing implemented using TypeORM
  • Frontend

    • In the frontend I created a sample next.js project and then added the needed feature inside it.
    • public: (an auto generated folder containing pictures that can be used through the app)
    • src: (the folder that contains the source code of the project)
      • app: (auto generated folder contains general files to be used accross the app)
        • globals.css (which contains the cascading styling sheets, some of which was auto generated and others where added while adding the features)
        • page.tsx (the homepage for the app)
      • interfaces: (folder that contains the interfaces that we may use in more than one page or component)
        • appartment-interfaces.ts (file that should contain interfaces related to apartments)
      • pages: (folder containing the pages that will be rendered inside the app)
        • add-apartment.tsx
        • all-apartments.tsx
        • specific-apartment.tsx
      • urls.ts: (file containing the base url and the urls of the endpoints that will get called)
  • Mobile:

    • In the mobile app I created a react native expo project and then added the needed features inside it
    • src: (folder that contains the source code)
      • interfaces: (folder that contains the interfaces that we may use in more than one screen or component)
        • appartment-interfaces.ts (file that should contain interfaces related to apartments)
      • screens: (folder containing the screens of the app)
        • HomeScreen.tsx
        • AllApartmentsScreen.tsx
        • ApartmentDetails.tsx
      • app.js (is the starting point of the application that manages redirecting to home screen and the stack navigation)
      • urls.ts: (file containing the base url and the urls of the endpoints that will get called)


Before running you should do npm install for each app (backend, frontend, and mobile) and for the whole project

Running the project:

  1. Backend
    1. cd backend
    2. npm run build
    3. ts-node index.ts
    1. sudo docker-compose up --build 
  2. Frontend
    1. cd frontend
    2. npm run build
    3. npm run dev
  3. mobile
    1. cd mobile
    2. change the base_url in the urls.ts to contain your backend running IP and Port 
    3. npx expo start
    4. choose android or your preferred device/vertual device type (I tested with virtual android only)