
ezoom.js is a jQuery plugin for simple Image with zoom effect.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ezoom.js GitHub

ezoom.js is a jQuery plugin for simple Image with zoom effect.

This plugin in under development to support Next/Prev a gallery Images/SVG later.

You can find the repository at: https://github.com/leqnam/ezoom and demo here: https://leqnam.github.io/ezoom/demo/

Table of contents


Set up the HTML:

	<div id="imgDiv">
		<img src="images/may.png">

and the javascript:

	ezoom.onInit($('#imgDiv img'), {
		onClose: function (result) {


The plugin can be use with method onInit as two ways:

  • Expand an image HTML dom in a Zoom Modal to zoom in/out and rotate image. The element dom is passed on the query selector.
	ezoom.onInit(domElement, {
		onClose: function (result) {
  • Expand an remote image with an URL in a Zoom Modal to zoom in/out adn rotate image, by passing the src option.
	const src = 'some image url';
	ezoom.onInit(domElement, {
		src: src,
		onClose: function (result) {


At the initialize, only src and hideControlBtn is available.

Option Value Description
domElement dom HTML DOM querySelector
src string An Image remote URL
hideControlBtn boolean Hide the Rotate Left/Right

Ex: To hide the Rotate Left/Right:
	ezoom.onInit($('#imgDiv img'), {
		hideControlBtn: true


At the initialize, we only need the onInit to create the zoom-modal instance and listen on this instance.


Event Description
onShow Fired when the Zoom modal is shown
onClose Fired when the Zoom modal is closed
onRotate Fired when rotating the image
onMoveStarted Fired when starting to move the image
onMovedCompleted Fired when finished moving by release the mouse
onMoving Fired while moving the image

The events can be used look like:
	ezoom.onInit(domElement, {
		onRotate: function(callback) {
			// some magic


  • v0.1.0
    1. Single image
    2. Add event listeners and callback


This plugin has been developed to use in my internal project to replace panzoom (https://github.com/anvaka/panzoom) - that has some issues with rotate.

An blog has been released:


Licensed under the MIT license.

Nam Le, 2021, leqnam@live.com,
