
VFXView is a framework custom UIView by add some animation and effect.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


- Version 0.3.0

- VFXView is a framework custom UIView by add some animation and effect.

Table of contents

1. Installation


target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'VFXView'


  • Drag all files under VFXView folder into your project.

2. How To Use

2.1 Initiation VFXView

2.1.1 By Code

- Objective-C:

VFXSnowView* snowView = [[VFXSnowView alloc] initWithFrame:containerView.frame];

- Swift:

var snowView = VFXSnowView.init(frame: containerView.frame)

2.1.2 Use Interface Builder

1 Drag an VFXSnowView object to ViewController

2 Change the Custom Class to VFXSnowView

3 Add outlet to VFXSnowView

2.2 Start Animation for VFXView

2.2.1 Run immediately

- Objective-C:

 [snowView setupVFXViewWithRect:containerView.frame];

- Swift:

snowView.setupVFXView(with: frame: containerView.frame)

2.2.2 Run asynchronously

In case you want to load vfx configs from api server

- Objective-C:

 [snowView setupVFXViewWithRect:view.bounds andComplete:^(VFXView * _Nullable view) {
    // Do something

- Swift:

snowView.setupVFXView(with: view.bounds) { view in
  // Do something

- Note : You can use VFXViewExample, VFXViewExampleObjc to understand better

2.3 Animation List

2.3.1 VFXSnowView

With VFXSnowView you can create the snow fall effect on your view like bellow.

2.3.2 VFXMidnightSnowView

With VFXMidnightSnowView you can create the snow fall effect on your view like bellow.

2.3.3 VFXFlyBubbleView

With VFXFlyBubbleView you can create the snow fall effect on your view like bellow.

2.3.4 VFXRainView

With VFXRainView you can create the snow fall effect on your view like bellow.

2.3.5 VFXLiquidView

With VFXLiquidView you can create the snow fall effect on your view like bellow.

2.3.6 VFXBubblyView

With ** VFXBubblyView** you can create the snow fall effect on your view like bellow.


- VFXView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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