NestJS Starter Kit is based on Hexagonal Architecture
Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.
- Database. Support TypeORM.
- Migration and Seeding.
- Config Service (@nestjs/config).
- Mailing (nodemailer).
- Sign in and sign up via email.
- Admin and User roles.
- Internationalization/Translations (I18N) (nestjs-i18n).
- Swagger.
$ yarn install
# development
$ yarn run start
# watch mode
$ yarn dev
# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod
├── domain/
│ └── [DOMAIN].ts
├── dto/
│ ├── create.dto.ts
│ ├── update.dto.ts
│ └── get-all.dto.ts
├── infrastructure/
│ ├── entities/
│ │ └── [ENTITY].ts
│ ├── mappers/
│ │ └── [MAPPER].ts
│ └── repositories/
│ ├── [ADAPTER].repository.impl.ts
│ └── [PORT].repository.ts
├── controller.ts
├── module.ts
└── service.ts
represents an entity used in the business logic. Domain entity has no dependencies on the database or any other infrastructure.
represents the database structure. It is used in the relational database.
is a mapper that converts database entity to domain entity and vice versa.
is a repository port that defines the methods for interacting with the database.
is a repository that implements the [PORT].repository.ts
. It is used to interact with the database.
Nest is MIT licensed.